Narnia facts


New member
I found Narnia facts in my (don't laugh!) Disney Adventures!!
The word "Aslan" means "lion" in Turkish
Will feels selfconsicious smiling in front of a camara
Skander had to eat 19 pieces of turkish delight
Skander dose not like to be huged, so will, susan, and georgie would always hug him :D
When filming the part where lucy finds Narnia it is really the frist time seeing Narnia
Anna is afraid of mice
Georgie's sister plaed older lucy in the flim
it was summer when filming the movie but on the last day it snowed
more later!!
All i know is he ate it!
Here are some more
Skander grew 5 and a half inches while filming
Will became a really good horesback rider(he had little experience before)
That is all of them so i guess that is the end of the therad unless people post some more facts or something
devils_advocate_for_evil said:
those are really cool!! what the heck is "turkish delight" anywho?
do you know what a big turk is....
it hard to explain...its like jello that doesnt jiggle...but still soft...but tastes soooo different
Skandar actually had to eat 35 pieces of Turkish Delight and he's been put off for life!
Where do you live? We have disney adventures in New Zealand I saw none if those facts but there is a very funny picture of Skandar Being excited! Did you get those free narnia Game cards? they're so cool!!!
I know that the horses used for the unicorn are the ones who played Shadowfax in the LOTR trilogy...........