Narnia game's cheats-Want some?

Cherry Prue

New member
Hv u tried out the narnia ps2 version yet? Well..If u hvnt...Just Go n try it!!! Cuz it simply Rocks!!! I just loved it n im pretty much sure u'l love it too when u'l play! U may play with ur sibling or may be with a frnd...n trust me its Fun! Nw...If u want cheats...Just let me know. I'l post 4 u!

Hmm...Ur fighting the witch.Rnt u?C those burning sticks there? Throw them at the witch's direction...U'l c a circle of fire round the witch.Nw use peter n his mighty sword!U'v 2 do dis severel times 2 defeat the witch.So...Happy gaming!
Just go 2 and go 2 either the T or C
Section.And find The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and click on it. and Print (If you have a printer.) And you have cheats! :) :eek: . or go to the stratagy guide :D
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LOTR Return Of The King on PS is awesome. My bro and I played co-op. We were a prettty good team, except when I'd be almost dead, and I say "If ya see any healts lemme know" then he'd get the next five..that really aggrivated me. For some reason he "couldn't see them, my guy was moving too fast"..well I could see them!! He was Legolas, I Arragorn. I rocked as Arragorn.
Okay, to defeat the white witch u need to get Susan to hit the witch with her bows and you hit the burning stick barrel thingy's at the witch and Peter gives her a sword fight hehe
to anyone who didn't notice in lantern waste ,once you get to the lake with the ravens, go to the right you should have susan destroy the barrels then let lucy go in the gap to get coins :D
iv;e beat the game like.....6 times

with my sis alot and on 1p mode my sis dont like narnia i always have to play 1p
Cherry Prue said:
Hv u tried out the narnia ps2 version yet? Well..If u hvnt...Just Go n try it!!! Cuz it simply Rocks!!! I just loved it n im pretty much sure u'l love it too when u'l play! U may play with ur sibling or may be with a frnd...n trust me its Fun! Nw...If u want cheats...Just let me know. I'l post 4 u!
I am having hard times at the beavers house with the gaint
That one wasn't hard i finshed half the game in one day and i started at 2:00 am it was already Christmas day :rolleyes: even my parents were up at 2:00am :rolleyes: