Narnia Narnia Narnia awake...


New member
I'm starting an Naranian RPG that happens in the time of saftey when Narnia was still young, and the tree of protection was still in power.
Any one interested???
We'll start soon, maybe a few more players. Anyway choose what you want to be, and post it. I'm the DM and I might play another character as well.
Elindil said:
We'll start soon, maybe a few more players. Anyway choose what you want to be, and post it. I'm the DM and I might play another character as well.

umm..whos the DM? (hhe, sorry I'm
um...what charecters are there to choose from? (like do we just make up charecters or can we play some of the main characters?)
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(DM is ME also know as the narrotor, and the person in charge of you and the RPG, read the sticky rules!)

You choose who you want to be, and you'll be a main character. You could choose a Dryad, dog, a bird, a river god, dwarf you get the piture.
Here is my character:

Race:Aniamal (Fox)
Gohn is a fox cub (based on my pet fox!) he's fun he's fast and he loves life! He has a mother (Kakrika) a father (Gohan) 3 brothers (Rich, Gann, Holdar) and two sisters (Sari & Cece)
Elindil said:
Here is my character:

Race:Aniamal (Fox)
Gohn is a fox cub (based on my pet fox!) he's fun he's fast and he loves life! He has a mother (Kakrika) a father (Gohan) 3 brothers (Rich, Gann, Holdar) and two sisters (Sari & Cece)

(oh, heh, thanks for explaining things ^.^)

race: Animal (dog)
Gender: Female
Name: Angela
Angela is a border collie teenager (heehee one of my dogs are a teenager in doggie years ^.^). she loves life but isn't too sure of what her perpose is yet. she was seperated from her mother and farther at birth and had basically raised herself with the help of some of her animal friends ^.^
Is it okay if I join???

If it is okay:

Race: Animal >bird< (eagle)
Gender: Male
Name: Edward (he hates his name and he want to be called Eagus).
Eagus is the rival (in the sense of gaming and hunting on not-talking animals, not an enemy). He is very good at flying, and he's got sharp eyes. He is a very good swimmer too. He is fast but Gohn is faster. His "father" is Deus the Duck and his "mother" is Dalia the Duck. He hasn't got brothers or sisters.
(back now must put my Centaur Char together hmmm...)

heres my char:

Sunset is a centaur desended from great Centaurs and has been in hiding sents Narnia started and she felt she needed to venture out

(I hope this is ok)
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Oh this looks like fun! Here's my char:
Race: dryad
Gender: female
Name: Vanya
Vanya is a shy dryad of the dogwood tree. When in her human-like form she can be characterized by dark brown hair that flows down to her hips, light green eyes, and fair skin. She is very fun-loving, but also knows when to be serious. She has three sisters: Adanessa, Nyneave, and Amarea, all are older.

When are we starting?
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Name: Aanas
Race: Half-human/half-river god (demigod)
Gender: Male
Info. Aanas is the son of the river god Narius by a human mother, Iria. He is small, but as beautiful as Bacchus in human form. Aanas's hair is black like the raven's wing, his eyes a watery blue. His skin's quite pale, since he spends most of his time under the river's waters. A faint light seems to follow him wherever he goes, and he can walk on water (because of his water-elemental affiliation). At the moment, he's about 13 or so. His descendants over the thousands of years will be Archenlanders.
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Great! I'll start another thread for the RPG and we'll keep this one for new characters and questions! LET THE RPG BEGIN!
Do you mind if I wait a couple of days or so before getting in?

Hey, that's great Jadis_the_white_witch, so you are going to help with the hunting for the character you like the most in LWW, that's funny!

Because like I think you'll know the Nevil is Jadis, isn't it Elindil?

Or don't you mean the evil that came into narnia for the first time?
Puzzle_the_Donky said:
Do you mind if I wait a couple of days or so before getting in?

Hey, that's great Jadis_the_white_witch, so you are going to help with the hunting for the character you like the most in LWW, that's funny!

Because like I think you'll know the Nevil is Jadis, isn't it Elindil?

Or don't you mean the evil that came into narnia for the first time?
lol your right Puzzle that is funny