Narnia online game


New member
Hey does any one want to help me make a Narnia. game I think I can make it if I have the graphic. so if your good with programing, visual arts, and anything else please post thx.
sure you can do visual arts. But im not sure about puting non Narnian charactor. I also need ppl to make things called sprites. There little pictures that you play as. I'll get afew of them and show you wut sprites kind of sprites I need. Ok if all the ppl who are going to help me would add every one in the group to there friends list that would be great. Oh and will need ppl to get like to voice of the charactors. like the voice of Peter,Susan,Edmund, and Lucy. Thx for your help.
It would be so awesome if you could pull that off... I'm not good with programming and stuff, so I can't. But if I could, then I would have! :D
Good luck, guys!

it would be cool i know i guy who's starting up a video game company and would be clad to make a narnia game the company should be active round 07,replay to me by e-mail or on this forum my e-mail is
p.s any1 know and really cool screensavers or backgrounds that has the narnia movie in it besides the one on[which doesn't work]or that 26 slide show one? if so reply the same way to the game thing.thanks!
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im really good at writing stories and scrips

i hav won 2 awards in creative writing. I could help with what the characters will say? :p
Ok I need at lease two art people voices olny if you sound kind of like the character. back ground ppl programing ppl. can any one else think of stuff we would need. I think we have to get premission to use the Narnia name for the game. if we do I need ppl to do that.
so the genre is going to be action/fanstry and hey send me one of great pieces of writing [via e-mail] and also Narnian1 e-mail me some of your drawings and any1 else who can get some guy who knows some people who worked on movie. that would me great so if you can do it thanx!
all you have to do to copyrigth something is put the sign (C) or say copyright. its really easy. but to use Narnia I think we have to get permission.
it's hard then u think u have to ask the people who have the name if they would like to give it to u for a game.