Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


Edmund stumbled onto the snow, "Its colder than last time," he said under his breath so the others would not hear. He got up and brushed off his pants.​
He looked around. He was happy that he was here again.​
ooc: are we following the plot of tlww or twiting it around a little?


Lucy smiled at everyone as they entered Narnia.

"I told you I wans't lying about this place!!" she said throwgin snow up into the air.

She decided to make a snowball and playfully hit Edmund with it.
"I was only playing around..." she replied with a sad face. She looked at Ed and saw that something was bothering him. 'What's the matter? Is something wrong?" she asked.

ooc: we need more characters! lol..
Christine~Pevensie said:
"I already told you..the wardrobe's enchanted!!" she replied.

"C'mon Su!! I want to show you Mr. Tumnus!" she said excitedly tugging on her older sister.

I'll be Peter!!!

"Yes, I think that's a good idea, for Lucy jolly well has a right to. Which way is it, Lu?"
Lucy continued to run in the snow, darting around the trees.

"Cmon! Cmon! Were almost there!" she said motioning for everyone to hurry up. "It's after that hill...He's going to be so happy to meet all of you!" she added on excitedly.

(I'm back!!)
"Oh, Su," he said, "I cant believe it!!" He was such a lier. He really didn't want to hurt Lucy's feelings, but he didn't want anybody to know eh'd been there.