Need Advice!!!

My advice: just stay out of it! The more you interfere, the more likely your friends and you will be split apart. Everytime I try to interfere, I make it worse. If you're a Christian, pray about the situation and that Christ will give you the wisdom to know what to do. My advice is the same, just stay out of it and give it time.
Maybe because...they keep her out of somethings!!!I really want everyone to
be friends before the school year is over :( .Probably she is mad because she got into something that she didn't need to.Another friend was having the same problem and she got into it and while we were tring to solve that problem she came into it!!!Like she was like just calling us bad..all I want is
a soultion
Aravis of Archenland said:
My advice: just stay out of it! The more you interfere, the more likely your friends and you will be split apart. Everytime I try to interfere, I make it worse. If you're a Christian, pray about the situation and that Christ will give you the wisdom to know what to do. My advice is the same, just stay out of it and give it time.

She is calling me a loser and my friends just because she is mad at almost all of us.
Then don't react. Act like it doesn't bother you. The more you ignore her hateful and hurting comments, the less she'll do it. She'll see that you really don't care. If you need some advice in book form, get the book "Mean Girls." It's written by a Christian author, and it gives you tips on how to stop mean girls. And then, after you've read that, get the sequel, "Mean Girls Gone." I haven't read the latter, but I've read most of the first one, and it has some excellent tips on how to get rid of the mean girls in your life.
tecmogirl said:
Maybe because...they keep her out of somethings!!!

If "they keep her out of somethings" means what they're talking about, and who they're talking about, then there will be no solution to this problem because gossiping and murmuring will never receive any lasting solution. If it should mean they don't include her in certain activities, then instead of her getting angry she might want to try and find out why they don't include her by just asking them. But getting mad at them will only get them mad at her, and when all are mad then there is no peace.

And when you try to intervene, as Aravis said, you may end up becoming the very object of your "friends'" hatred! :eek:

Aravis has, I think, given great advice already, especially in regard to prayer. Overall, just be friends and don't try to let any of them make you "choose sides." A real friend doesn't do things like that.