Need help with info about Narnia


New member
Hi all,

As you can tell I am new here and if I am posting this in the wrong section please move it to the right one. Ok, I am going to make a moddification for a game called Rome:Total War. But instead of Rome it will be Narnia. I really need some help on the information on Narnia. I will post the info I need:

I need info on what to put in the different nations armies. There are some Specifics on what I need. like:

What do Calomen Cavalry look like?

Do the Calomen's have infantry? and if so What do they look like?

What creatures should I use to make up the Narnian Armies?

I know that the books only reviel one town in Archenland, But for the mod's purposes I would need to make up some towns to fill in the country. Can any one help me on that?

Also I need to make up towns for Narnia, Ettinsmoor, The Wild North, Telmarines, Archenland, Calormen, and the several islands that make up the east sea.

I will need help with the Archenland Military, Calormen military, Ettinsmoor Military, Wild North peoples, and Telmarines, and the islands of the east sea.

I also need ideas of buildings to be able to be built in the towns.

I would need examples(pictures) of all the different countries Leaders for the mod.

and that is most of it. If any one could help me on this It would be greatly appreciated. I will post screen shots of the Narnia mod on this forum if it is wished.
Thank you,

Wow I would never be able to make a mad that expansive. Heck, I can't even make mods very well!
Well, I just learned how to and I am trying to put together a team. I was just looking for information. This is also the Basics of the game. Before I make any major moves I am going to gather info on Narnia.
Calormenes are usually dark-skinned, and use scimitars Yes, they have infantry, i'd assume they have soldiers(w/ swords...), spearmen, and archers. For Narnia: Dwarves w/ swords/axes and bows, big cats-such as a lion and etc, BIG dogs, there are a variety of animals in Narnia to choose from I think, Gryphons, dryads-trees....they appear as peoples sorta, CENTAURS!! They would probably make a really good cavalry-maybe two different kinds-one w/ lances, the others w/ swords, give shields to both...,Female Centaurs would make good archers,good giants, warrior fauns w/ glaives, satrys(look like goat men) w/ scimitars,there are many other creatures i haven't covered.
Archenland, i'm not sure how there armor looks...I'd go w/ something slightly similar to Narnian armor maybe...give them human soldiers, archers and cavalry, and probably talking animals. If i were to do a mod for Narnia i'd probably put Narnia and Archenland together as one faction.The Ettinsmoore and Wild Lands to the North are inhabited by giants and probably other uglies! The eastern Islands were under Narnian rule for a long time, so maybe make humans w/ Narnian armor(similar to Peter and Edmund's in the movie). the Telmarines were originally pirates who wound up finding their way to Narnia, so i'd probably put mid-toned skinned humans in, as the pirates married the island natives(they crashed on an island, and their descendants went through a doorway to Narnia). I'm not sure about buildings, you can be very creative w/ them
Heros-Narnia:Aslan, Peter the High King, King Edmund the Just, Queen Susan the Gentle, Queen Lucy the Valiant-Peter and Edmund have swords and shields, and Queens Susan and Lucy use bows. Prince Caspian, Prince Rilian, and King Tirian would also make good heros, plus talking animals named in the book, like Jewel the unicorn. For Ettinsmoore,i'd make that plus the White Witch's army and the Wild Lands to the North one faction, have many uglies in that faction like Minotaurs and evil giants, Ogres,cyclopses, minoboars, and many other uglies, like hags and The White Witch's secret police-talking wolves. Oh and Black Dwarves(their hair is usually black). Heros-Jadis the White Witch, The Lady of the Green Kirte, Ginarrbrick the dwarf, Maugrim the talking wolf, chief of the white witch's secret police. Archenland Heros-Bree the talking horse, Prince Cor and his brother Prince Corin(i don't know how old you'd wanna make some of the heros, like make Cor and Corin when they'd grown up or not?), Give Corin a special power called "Thunderfist",where he boxes his foes w/ lightning effects and blasts many units @ once! Both use swords, and since i don't play Rome:Total war i don't know any details like what sort of features heros have so i can't really give too many suggestions on that :) . King Lune and Queen Aravis(Cor's wife...) and Hwinn the talking meyer i'd put in too. Plus maybe a few nobles... I don't have any pics for heros for the moments but and other Narnia websites probably do...especially the official website ;) . I would recommend having fun w/ making the looks and stuff of the different factions :) I hope this helps,if not PM me! :D
Thanks for the info. This is really going to help my mod. I fogot to post about the gods the differnet peoples worshipped.

What are the gods that Narnia Wroshipped?

What are the gods Archenland worshipped?

What are the gods Calomen worshipped?

What are the gods the wild lands of the north worshipped?

and what are the gods Ettinsmoor worshipped?

That will help me out ALOT


I never player Rome: total war before correct me if I'm wrong but is a RTS game?

Well Narnia worships Aslan and the Calormen worships Tash. I'll look for more Gods
Yes Rome total war is an RTS game. But you know the battle in the movie? That wet me off, and I got to thinking,"I wish I oculd have fought that battle out." and then I realized I could with RTW.

Thank you for researching on the Gods,


p.s. I will include any one that will help with the research for the mod in the credits.(The credits will be in the begining, so people will see them.)
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Well, like the Gondor knight of Narnia said" Put Narnia and Archenland together.

In Rome: total war do the heros have ablities?
Well, no. There aren't any heros. But there is another mod team that is making them for their mod. So if they can do it so can I. But I am sorry but I think it would be more interesting if Narnia and Archenland were seperate. I am going to make Narnia the protectorate of the East Sea Islands. And the Telmarines are going to be an emerging Faction(It will apear at a certain date in the game). I will make it very difficult for Narnia to beat the Telmarines. And I can make up some other gods for the game.
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wow, this sounds amazing...i dont know how you would do this...but yes, you would have to make up the other gods because aslan and tash were the only ones mentioned
That sounds awesome

That sounds really cool. Is it kinda like age of empires? or is it diferent. Anyway good luck. I don't know that nuch about narnia but I can try and help. Will it be online? That would be awesome. :D
Nikitzuu said:
it will be on some Rome Total war Forums. And no RTW is not like AoE. Check it out here: That also has Medievel and Shogun Total wars.
If you need more research contact me for more info but for more infanry include the below species
pheonex,goul which looks like golem from lord of the rings ,bogle which is a fatter ghoul,you could include eagles and the master minobour has heavy armor,a cresent like blade. good luck :) respond for info ill research
Thanks, ok any pics would be good(probablly hard to find though) and any special buildings I could include for the towns would be nice.
Rome Total War

I have just bought R:TW and it is really good. It should make a great mod. Good luck! :) How will we be able to play it when you finish it? will it be on a website to download or something?
Yes, it will be on the website under the downloads section. it will be to long before it is done. I will post the link to the download when it is done. And if you like RTW you should try the SPQR mod. it makes for a harder campaign. And battles.
Nikitzuu said:
Thanks, ok any pics would be good(probablly hard to find though) and any special buildings I could include for the towns would be nice.
You could include caip parrevel [tents]And a good battle front would be charn a destroyed city mosty in ruins its always dark a giant blue sun looms overhead :rolleyes: