Need Help Writing Fantasy!

White Wolf

New member
Hullo all! ^^' see, even though I'm only 18, I've loved writing since I was five years old... now I am desperately trying to get a fantasy novel off the ground.

With inspirations of King Arthur, Harry Potter, Tolken, I am wrestling with ideas...

here's what I have thus far..

Three Main Characters

Lady Jane Elizabeth Montague
Age: 9

She's a noblemen's daughter, the last actually. Her parents are murdered, and everything's ever known is gone in a heartbeat. Now she's left with her two slaves turned guardians as they flee from magical pursuers

Harry Archer
Age: 25
He's a smooth talking, pickpocket who was caught by Lord Hawke, Jane's father and sentened to die. Lady Erin, Jane's mother intervined and saved his life. He secretly harbored a crush on Lady Erin and is a capable swordsman in his own right.
Weapon: broadsword, nicknamed Excalibur

Chole Williams
Age: 19 1/2
Born of an affair between Lord Hawke's overseer, and a commoner. She's half white, and African respectively, as well as part noble. This in itself, being a curse, she was cast aside after her birth unbeknowing of her true parentage. A fordmidable archer, but a swordsman like her 'brother' Harry. She survived the purge with Harry, and seeks to protect Lady Jande from those who seek to harm her.
Weapon: Long sword, scimitar

I wanted to open it up in a cemetary scene, after the purge, but then I don't know where to go from there! HELP!!!!! :eek:
Umm... Purge?

White Wolf said:
I wanted to open it up in a cemetary scene, after the purge, but then I don't know where to go from there! HELP!!!!! :eek:

I'm sorry but purge?
Are you reffering to a fictional or historic event there? :confused:
well, i think i've read somewhere in the professor's notebook the same situation like yours, if you like you can browse the threads there and also, go to the writing club, lots of posts about writing issues had been tackled there. goodluck! :D
Sounds interesting enough. At least your characters aren't off on a quest to stop an evil darklord rising to power *cough*

Anyways, uhm, from what you've given us, it seems to me you need a villain or a problem. The climax (for lack of a better word) of the story. I mean, they can't run throughout the plot of the whole book (or can they?). Someone has to be hunting them, a villain of some sort, or even a group, or even just villainous don't necessarily need one bad guy, just, well like the Calormen, they weren't all bad they just happened to be the enemies in the last book.

By purge, I'm thinking you mean, after the initial attack that kills her family? And setting it in a cemetary would imply someone buried them there (so it isn't a barbarian horde come to town, am I right?).

Then you're going to have to decide, are they going to try to regain her throne for her, or is she just going to give that up and wander around leading a traveling life.

I think you should go for it, plot the whole thing out first though, just a rough skeleton so you know where you want to go, you can always deviate from it later. Sounds interesting...but I wouldn't name the swords, seems a bit cliche, and you want to read something other than fantasy for new ideas, you don't want to sound like everyone else who's writing out there.

Good luck! Let us know how it comes along.
Elementary my dear Watson...

Think of this plot as if you were a police detective questioning people and trying to put together what happened from the evidence left behind.

1) The lady is pursued by magical villains with powers. She's a little girl. What does she have that's so valuable they would not want to just let her flee?

2) What is the nature of the conflict here? Did the attackers know them personally? In fact, did they let them in innocently enough, not suspecting the danger?

3) What does she have that's worth more than magical powers?

Most likely the answer to all three is that her parents took some object of great power and value and gave it to her for safekeeping, but she has no idea what it really is or what it's worth.

She no doubt sees the murder from a hidden place, wants to scream, but doesn't. They think the girl may have it and come up the stairs. The servants lock themselves in her room with her. She tries to pick up a belonging or two to flee but they say no time. Rip drapes, lower out window, scramble to ground. RUN RUN RUN and hide.

They set loose after them. One of the servants admits that when he was a young boy living near the manor house he used to sneak in to steal from the garden and knew all the ways off the property for not getting caught. They hide.... Of course the villains come VERY CLOSE BY but don't see them.

Consider this, she goes and tries to pawn this...ring, bracelet, whatnot...for money to keep her in some basic wants during her flight. She shows it to the pawn broker but he gasps, looks at it carefully, and says, "Oh no, Miss. Not for all the gold in County Cressbane!" She wants to know if it's worthless. No, quite the opposite. But for some reason he won't buy it, as if he's afraid of it, and he won't tell her why. But he says if she needs a few copper Quintils for expenses, he'll give her a few enough for a good meal but PLEASE JUST GO.

So she knows there is something spooky about the ring, but neither she nor the servants know what.

Obviously she can't look it up on what strange thing happens to give her some clue why she's marked for death and why they wanted it badly enough to kill off her family to get it? And what do they want to do with it once it's theirs?