Need Help:

I am starting to write a novel (who isn't?)

Right now here is the basic storyline from what I have though of so far.

Brother and sister are leaving home (something they did). They are driving (both teenagers) away to ____. They get in a crash. The next moment they are in a strange land (they aren't with each other though).

Anyways, the thing I need is some type of guide on how the Irish speak. Just the style that they use and their slang and such. Sort of like the British with words like "bloody" or "mum".

I need this because I am sort of creating a race. it is somewhat like a smaller man with an irish accent (not a leprochaun).

Also, I would appreciate any ideas or anything.
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family= chlann or just clann
my=mó, or sometimes it also means amount or bigger
the= pronounce as de
your-pronounced as yer
basically, their what i observed in their pronounciation they usually shortened their language like an' thats and, bein' , sort of like that,
Here's what I did when I wrote my book, and now the project is finished and I'm looking to find an editor, I can look back on this with a huge sigh of relief.

1. Make of list of characters, that is each character will have a name. Give that individual a profile, appearance, age, interests and so on. Make it look as though you are writing about a real person. For example. Here's one that I did for a character as an example.

Name: Richard Walker (Dancing Cloud)
Age: 60
Physical Description: medium height, about 165 cm, has shiny gray hair which is long and wavy and brushes against the collar of his shirt. Brown eyes, wrinkles around his eyes in places which are indicative of someone who smiles a lot. Clean shaven, has small eyes and medium sized ears, a very wise and expressive face. He’s not heavy but also not thin, his body weight is on average about 80 kg. He is of Native American descent and his actions show the simple nature and refinement of this man.
Personality: friendly, kindhearted, sympathetic, quiet, For the most part he speaks in a hushed tone of voice, when he raises his voice, it is because he is anxious or fearful for another. He is wise, is rarely angry, he is guided by unbelievable faith, a leader / father figure to those around him, but looked upon as a spiritual leader and guide.
Title / Status (if any): Medicine man.

2. Find a name for the characters of this race you are trying to create. Don't say, it's not a Leprechaun but...instead come up with a name or identifiable idea for the race of creatures. You can do a little research on the origins of names and words, and perhaps with a little bit of fantasy, you'll be able to find something that is workable for your book. Remember, the more finite and researched they are the more believable your work.

3. Try to make your project stand out by making sure that you don't parallel too much with something that has already been written. This is a big one. No published writer is going to want someone to read his/her work and say 'this is just like CS Lewis' or 'the storyline is like JK Rowling'. It is more important that your work stand alone and the ideas are fresh and new.

Those are all that I have for the moment, but I did want to respond because I know how hard it is to get started with such a project. Sometimes fan fiction is harder to write than original stories, but sometimes getting started with original work is also hard.
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Thank you for responding glamel and namaste. I really appreciate it :).

Right now I am just basically forming the plotline in my mind and then I am going to get to write it all down as an outline. I am also working on characters and their personalities.

I was planning to look for a name for the race.

One of my favorite races is the "Kender". is a link that shows a little bit about their race.

Right now I am just being a little lazy on my researching.
Right now I am going to buy all of the History of Middle Earth volumes. I am going to read them and see how Tolkien created Middle-Earth which was his lifetime accomplishment. Reading this should help me when I go to plan my own world and characters by reading from one of the best fantasy writers of all time.
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Iamnotjustdreaming said:
Right now I am just being a little lazy on my researching.

You and me both, I have to start my next book and I've been more than lax on looking up the information I need. It's maddening how lazy and unmotivated I can be sometimes. :D
glamel said:
research, research, enough.... geez, my head is aching..

I know, one of the topics I must research is the 18th century Benedictine about hard. Most of the stuff I have seen is either Renaissance or post modern spiritual writing, but to write a fictional work about it is harder than it sounds.