There's only one basic rule now. If you want to create a character, PM or VM the creator of the thread and express your interest in participating. The thread creator should be able to tell you or to give the OK to the character you want to portray. You can PM me or another mod, but before we approve anything, we'll run if by the thread creator so it's just about the same thing. Got it? Good.
This does not apply to the "Ashe Fork" thread as the creator has been away for a long time. For that, I would ask you to ask Radian Susan, who, without her knowledge or approval (but I know she won't mind), is now placed in charge of that thread. After all, she was the only one who asked for a specific thread to be saved.
This does not apply to the "Ashe Fork" thread as the creator has been away for a long time. For that, I would ask you to ask Radian Susan, who, without her knowledge or approval (but I know she won't mind), is now placed in charge of that thread. After all, she was the only one who asked for a specific thread to be saved.
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