New Narnia Country RPG


New member
Hey, you guys might remeber me talking about a country RPG once before. Well, that did not work out so well. I am going to try to start another one. But I will not have sign ups at this forum. I will have it at the forum where the game will be held. if you would like to participate in this please go here: and follow the direcitons in the important information.
Nikitzuu said:
Hey, you guys might remeber me talking about a country RPG once before. Well, that did not work out so well. I am going to try to start another one. But I will not have sign ups at this forum. I will have it at the forum where the game will be held. if you would like to participate in this please go here: and follow the direcitons in the important information.

I have some Idea's about a country:

Narniapolis, a colony from Narnia that has fight itself free from Narnia when it was ruled by the White Witch. After that it became a country that had friendly relations with Narnia, but it staid an independant country. It is somewhere to the south of Calormen and has developed it's own culture, colony kingdom, people and so on.

Working guys: Very loyal calormen helpers that will help you building, repairing, getting recourses and so on. They just want a very little loan for it.

Common soldiers: Mouses wearing swords; fauns or dwarves wearing bows (the fauns are more powerfull and can use their little swords too, but the dwarves have more skills of range and have a very strong armour).

Cavalery: Talking horses, talking Camels (Very unique, Narnia doesn't have them), talking donkeys, dwarves on donkeys, and centaurs.
-Talking horses: Very fast and cheap, but arrows will kill this warriors very fast. They can bite or give very hard kicks with their legs, but they will dry out if you don't fire them in time. If you fire them in time they will return to Narnia and won't die. If you fire them the number of friends of Narniapolis will grow by one, but your loyal points will become less.
-Talking camels: They are the fastest cavaley that don't die because of the lack of water. They won't need to rest at an oasis very often. They kill enemy's with the spears that are tied around their bults.
-Talking donkey's: This warriors are not as strong and fast as Camels and as Horses. But they are cheaper then camels and they can wear sacks of water, enough to hold themselve alive and to feed one horse which is drying out. So Combining a donkey and a horse would be very smart. Donkeys themselve aren't great warriors, but they can kick enemy's.

(The pro's of these talking beast is that they can pretend to be dumb animals and that they can follow enemy's very long without being recognised.)

-Dwarves on Donkey's: The donkey's have sacks of water, enough to hold themselve and the dwarves alive, but because of the dwarves they won't be able to feed horses. The pro's of these dwarves on donkeys are:
+They are cheaper then ranged centaurs.
+They are rather fast and can use arrows.
-Centaurs: You can give these centaurs three destinies:
*Bow and arrows centaur warior.
*Centaur warior with sword.
*Centaur healer: will heal and increase your magic points.
Centaurs are always the fastest creatures. They don't have to worry about water, for they will have enough of it in their body to survive untill the next oasis. But they are very expensive because they have to come out of Narnia.
And if you have paid much for them you still have to pay their destinies. It is the cheapest to let them learn sword fighting and it is really expensive tomake them healers. But that expensive bills will give you very much back. The skills of the centaurs are always very high.

Very slow but very destructive warriors:
- Sfinxes: The cheapest of their group. Will throw rocks too destroy buildings and they will puzzle common warriors with their wisdom.
- Eagles: You can get eagles for free for every Friend of Narniapolis you've got. They can throw rocks on buildings and will not be killed very fast.
The rocks won't work very good. There is a maximum of ten Eagles in the whole game.
- Giants: Are very destructive but because there are very less of them and because they have to come out of Narnia, you'll have to pay very very very much for them.

As king or leader of Narniapolis you'll need the following recourses:
-Water: to hold your warriors alive.
-Loyal points: to gather warriors with.
-Gold, silver, iron and other metals: to give your soldiers weapons.
- Number of friends: to gather eagles.
- Food: to feed your warriors with.
- Wood: to build buildings with.
- Magic points: to pay magical cratures or destinies like a Nayad, A river god, A faun making sleep songs, a Centaur healer and so on.

I'll tell more later if you want!!!
Is there anything unclear about it?

Will it match with your game or did I understand the rules of the game wrong?

Can it be in your game, or will it make your forum much to complicated?

You haven't got many members yet, have you??
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No actually i like it!! But since i claim Narnia do i still have to pay for thise things that come from Narnia or do people pay mua?? i am sorda confused.
At all Costs...

NarniaRocks said:
No actually i like it!! But since i claim Narnia do i still have to pay for thise things that come from Narnia or do people pay mua?? i am sorda confused.

It's just an idea.

Because of the good relations with Narnia, Narniapolis has a kind of friendly bounds (bands) with Narnia. This results in the fact (in my idea) that Narniapolis can ask Narnian guys (not guys that are already in your army or towns of course) to come to Narnia. I won't have to pay for such units very much, but by some kinds of work or so I can get loyal points. Maybe by giving gifts to Narnia or so... That loyal points i'll have to pay to let a group of centaurs come out of Narnia.

For example:

- 100 mouse wariors: 15 staves of gold for transport and weapons and 10 loyal points.

- 10 fauns of Narnia: 20 staves of gold to pay the transport, arrows and swords, 10 planks of wood for bows and 15 loyal points.

- 10 dwarves of narnia: 30 staves of gold to pay transport, arrows, armour and services of the dwarves with. 10 planks of wood for arrows. 5 loyal points.

- 10 horses from narnia: 15 loyal points and 5 staves of gold to pay the transport with.

-10 Centaurs of Narnia: 50 loyal points (then they'll want to help me), 30 staves of gold (then I'm able to pay the transports from Narnia to Narniapolis).

/10 times sword warrior updrage (you'll need a weapon-maker for that):
20 staves of gold to make the swords, good armour and to pay the training with.
/10 times bow and arrows updrage: 1 stave of gold to pay the arrows with. 10 planks of wood to make bows with. 5 loyal points for the training.
/10 times healer updrage: ((10 loyal points to get the help of a centaur teacher of healing from Narnia.
5 staves of gold to let the centaur teacher from Narnia. This is a thing that you have to do just one time in your history.)).
10 magic points to give the centaurs a permanent magic. 3 staves of gold to pay the potions with.

- Eagles: one friend of Narnia for every eagle.

- 5 sfinxes: 10 friends of Narniapolis, 45 loyal points and 15 magic points.

- 2 giants: 200 staves of gold for the transport. 25 loyal points.
To import giants you first need at least 5 oasis's

- and so on, and so on.

For Creating Oasis's you will need a healer centaur and for each oasis 15 magic points.

So you are "buying" creatures of Narnia with loyal points and the transport is done by a very neutral force of dwarves.

To "import" warriors from Narnia you'll need at least one city with a dock. If you have "imported" the creatures then they'll start in a city with a dock.

>>But I am afraid this will be much to complicated.<<