New Versions of the CoN Books?!


New member
What do you guys make of this? Our new posting member, Soli_Deo_Gloria (whom I call "SDG" for short), was good enough to bring this article to my attention:
I personally am alarmed, as this seems to be more official than a rumor, but I've never heard about it before. Granted, this article dates from 2001, so it's old, but has this plan to re-write the Chronicles of Narnia been refuted at all?
I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an update on this...
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The link you posted doesn't seem to be working (at least for me). However, I may have heard of this before - does this have something to do with removing all of the Christianity out of the books? I'd heard some rumors at one point that this was a possibility, but I don't think anything every became of it...

Okay, the my link works now.
Thanks for posting those articles, Dryad. I found the USA Today one a little inconclusive, though... it seemed more like a criticism of Christians for wanting to keep the books pure than anything... as for the others, they're all well and good, but I still don't like the idea of anyone writing "new" Narnia books. I think the idea is preposterous.
I can understand where they're coming from in saying that we shouldn't be trying to keep the CoN on Christian bookshelves, but I don't see that happening with them the way they are now. Don't most American children read LWW in school? And I've seen them recommended at loads of public libraries. I don't think we have to change them for them to be accepted in the mainstream world.
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