Nickelodeon's H2o

Gentle Voice

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Emma, Cleo and Rikki are sixteen year old girls growing up on the sun-drenched beaches of the Gold Coast. Emma's confident and athletic, Cleo is slightly insecure and awkward while Rikki is the aloof and rebellious new girl.

Because of Rikki, the girls find themselves stranded at sea one day, floating towards the mysterious Mako Island. The three girls find themselves exploring the eerie jungle-covered island before becoming trapped in an ancient cavern under a volcano. Discovering an underwater channel, they decide to swim to safety. As they enter the pool, the light from a full moon illuminates the water, creating a mysterious glow.

Emma, Cleo and Rikki get off the island as fast as they can and back to "normal" life. One by one, however, the girls discover life is never going to be normal again; ten seconds after they touch water, they turn into mermaids. After further experimentation, they find they have supernatural powers; Emma can freeze water, Rikki can boil water and Cleo can turn a drop of water into a bucketful and mould it into any shape.

The girls enlist the help of their friend Lewis, who considers himself a scientist, and he attempts to discover the secret behind their transformations.

Everyday situations turn tricky as the girls struggle to cope with their new-found powers, which have numerous advantages and disadvantages, while also trying to keep them a secret from everyone else.

Emma Gilbert : possesses the ability to transform into a mermaid upon contact with water. She is a confident, competitive and driven individual, as evident in her dedication to regional swimming, which her power precludes her from competing in. Though she is often the most conscientious and considerate of the girls, at times she can be pedantic and controlling, once even suggesting that she considers chewing a prescribed number of times before swallowing as a normal practice. Her ideas for organisation and control sometimes brings her into conflict with Rikki, who is Emma's polar opposite.(SaffronRose)

Cleo Sertori : is similarly able to become a mermaid. While initially afraid of swimming and her new powers, her friends help her overcome this hurdle, and is later able to embrace the changes she has undergone. In contrast to Emma, she is often awkward and insecure. However, though she does not always say things that are appropriate, she is well intentioned and empathetic. At the end of series one, Lewis and Cleo form a relationship, but this doesn't last long, however, because at the start of series two, Cleo reluctantly breaks up with Lewis.

Rikki Chadwick : is a mermaid as well. She is a new girl in the neighbourhood and is considered 'different' and rebellious. She is contemptuous of the social hierarchy at the local high school she and the others attend, and frequently speaks her mind without euphemism. Rikki has a strong adventurous streak and is the first to fully embrace the possibilities of the girls' new powers. During the course of series one, Zane and Rikki develop feelings for each other and start an on-and-off relationship.(Me)

Lewis McCartney: has been Cleo's friend since they were five, and following the girls' transformation, also becomes friends with Rikki and Emma. He is academically gifted, thinks of himself as a scientist and has a passion for fishing. He discovers the girls' secret early on in the series and becomes determined to find the cause. He has strong feelings for Cleo, which it is later revealed are reciprocated, and the two form a relationship late in series one. After the happenings of the first full moon of series two, Cleo breaks up with Lewis. They stay friends but still remain a little embarrassed, no matter what Cleo says. Lewis develops a friendship with Charlotte, the new girl, who has a crush on Lewis and becomes his girlfriend, much to Cleo's dismay.


Charlotte Watsford : is the new girl in town and is the girls' rival during series two. She enjoys various forms of art, appreciates the sciences and was Lewis's girlfriend. She has a strong dislike for Cleo as well as the other two girls. Late in series two, she becomes the fourth mermaid, armed with all three powers.

Zane Bennett : is the local bad boy, and seems to think that he can get away with anything because his dad is rich. He appears to be arrogant, but has been seen to have a softer side. He desperately wants to impress his father, local land developer Harrison Bennett, who is just as arrogant. Zane is an excellent swimmer. After becoming trapped on a sinking boat, he is rescued by Emma, and sees the end of her tail before she is able to slip away. Because of this, Zane becomes obsessed with finding the "sea monster". During the course of series one, he and Rikki develop feelings toward each other. While they later break up due to being "too different" from each other, they rekindle their relationship in series two after Zane discovers the girls are still mermaids.

Miss Louise Chatham :is a mysterious old woman who Cleo meets while working at the Marine Park. She hints to Cleo that she knows the girls secret and warns them about the effects of the full moon. Later, her boat is declared unseaworthy and Emma invites her to stay at her place. However, Miss Chatham sneaks out at night and sails off with her boat. After an altercation on the boat with Zane, she suffers a heart attack and is taken to a hospital by Lewis. Before going to a Retirement residential home, she reveals to the girls that she once was a mermaid too, but that "the burden became too great, so she had to give it up", hinting that there is a way to give up their powers.

Byron : is a swimmer and the love interest of Emma during series one. While under the effects of a full moon, Emma tries to seduce Byron, almost leading to him finding out her secret.

Miriam: is the girls' rival. When she hosts a pool party, Cleo attends and almost reveals her secret to the other guests, though intervention by Emma and Rikki prevents this. Miriam is considered the local princess and is commonly found hanging out with Zane (though he denies that they were ever together).

Kim Sertori : is Cleo's little sister. She finds her sister weird, and after discovering Cleo's diary she attempts to figure out what is going on. This leads her to figuring out that the girls are mermaids and she tries to expose her sister as one. The girls are eventually able to come up with a plan to convince her that Miriam is a mermaid instead. With the help of Elliot, she is always keeping an eye on things.

Elliot Gilbert : is Emma's little brother. The two are very close and Emma makes many references to the fact that they have never had any secrets between them. After being saved from drowning by Rikki, Elliot falls in love with her, though she is quick to reject his feelings.

Wilfred : is the owner of JuiceNet and is Emma's boss. Whilst away he usually leaves Emma in charge of the juice bar.

Doctor Denman : is a Marine Biologist who finds Cleo's toenail samples that Lewis left behind. She later sets a trap for Emma, Cleo and Rikki on Mako Island to do more tests on them. She finds out that they're mermaids.But the girls manage to convince her using the lunar eclipse that they've lost their powers.

Ash : is the current supervisor of JuiceNet due to Emma's disappointment at first (Emma wanted the job). Ash is a keen horse rider, and has worked as a riding coach. He and Emma have formed a relationship and have gone out on a few dates. In the episode 'Moonstruck' of season 2, Emma was affected by the full moon (with Cleo and Rikki) and almost revealed her secret by calling him into the bathroom when she was wet with a tail. Luckily, Lewis steps in and stops him.
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