OH MY GOSH! I feel so horrible!

I haven't been on Narnia Fans Forum for ages! *tears* I am so sorry to the role players of LOTR and everyone else omg so much has happened that I totally forgot I even had a user name in this forum. I miss all of you so much even if I barely remember you all.

I still do want to audition for the part of Aravis Tarkheena but I am unaware if it is to late or not.
But over all I miss all of you so uber duper much! I missed the Last Post game and how badly I failed at role playing ;)

So I hope to talk to all of you again and I swear by the LION's mane I will never ever again abandon you all!

My goodness! It's good to see you back, but please don't get down on yourself so harshly because of being gone. We're sure you had other things occupying your time. Don't feel like you let anyone down, just celebrate being back.
N-L-4ever, if you feel confident of sticking around, we can really use new players in the current roleplays, because there have been several dropouts.