Old socks and Dragons

Lucy most Valiant

New member
To post on this thread you can either (a) tell the complete truth, or (b) make up something completely fantastic.

The question you must answer is: What's under your bed?

I know that under the bed is a place where many of us stuff junk and other random things we don't want in sight like old socks. Or its a place to keep imaginary pets like my orange spotted dragon, Tigerlily.:p
there's a very old, yellowed volume of The Duffer Encyclopedia under my bed, old and torn but very valuable!
and... um... actually, there are a rocking chair, a cupboard and a pink table under my bed (bunk bed :p)
There's a house under my bed. It's old and lopsided and rickety and looks as if it was about to fall down any moment. But there's kitchen inside with a warm stove and a delicious cooking on it and there are people waiting for me and someone special who loves me and there are memories and pains and happiness and promises and a glorious garden with old, old apple trees and rasperry bushes and garden gnomes and we can play Quidditch before supper there ...
It's going to sound pretty weird.

A bookshelf.

Along with some other stuff that I don't know where to put it

I have a bunk bed. We took the mattress out of the bottom bunk so I have like a little hobbit hole under there :D
I've got a 6ft cabin bed... So I have a computer, teddies, clothes, pens, pencils, school bag, books, CD's. Sooooo much stuff! I could go on but it would take me forever....
Under my bed there are several flocks of dust ready to take over the world.. Sadly that's not a lie...
My brother once wrote a little story about the things in his room (mostly under his bed) coming alive.. The boy in the story gets imprisoned by the evil smelly socks :D
at one point I had just a mattress on the floor for a bed but it was really comfy. But I didn't really have anything under my bed then ;)
Bags with bedding and winter gear, boxes with bandaids, batteries, office supplies, and excess computer parts, a pair of navy-blue fuzzy slippers, and one penny that I have just failed to remove. That is what is under my bed here at campus.

However, under my bed at home is a different story. There is my snurp(it is a science term or an animal that lives in my made-up world), my unicorn, three dragons, and a pheonix or two (they might have moved around since I left and one of those pheonixes really likes sleeping in my bed when I go to camp). Unfortunately, all my pets had to stay home because the University does not allow animals other than stinky old fish in the dorm.:(
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pillows, a cd case, random junk, and a few school papers...and yes, some old socks. no imaginary pets though, i keep those in the closet :D
My sister. It is a bunk bed, and I get the top. :D

Of course, there is also the stable in which I keep my lovely brown mare Hazel. I also have a box of growing monsters, they are hard to feed. Luckily, a knight or two comes a long from time to time, and the monsters get a nice dinner.
Under my bed is.......

A collection of video tapes or dvds (tv shows are on them), comics and books.

And they're guarded by a cute little gremlin who has his own mini tv and video/dvd player.......
A gaping black hole that sucks in everything that falls under there...
I might seriously believe that because... there's nothing there! :eek:
Except for some pens, paper, and some books.