OOC's Specifically for Swords-Claws-Teeth


Well-known member
A little spurt of non-player-character talk served to blend Exeter's babbling in with the overall scene. I hope that reasonable allowance will continue to be made for brief uses of NPC's at player discretion... because there could not be _only_ half a dozen living creatures present in Narnia besides Jadis and the Pevensies.

I contemplate using some species of Talking Bird as a one-time NPC at some point, to come flying in and make some remark to a player character. Not any outrageous giveaway-spoiler kind of thing, just a bit of help to keep the story moving if it gets bogged down.

Finally, if I kill off Exeter sometime in the next twenty or thirty posts, I hope no one objects to my then bringing one of his equally-useless brothers onstage to take his place. Their presence is giving everybody _else_ a chance to appear dashing by comparison!
I have no problem with the use of NPCs. I would also not mind you chosing to create a character who will play a viable role in the action. Having a character like your current one is great, but we are also kind of short on players that will make a big impact.
I don't think anything done so far needs to be cancelled. Remember that dictatorships (1) love to change their own rules, and (2) always want the peasants to be kept in fear of punishment.
Neither Mr. Lewis, nor the movie adapters, ever made it very clear WHERE Aslan got His army FROM in "Lion/Witch/Wardrobe." If Jadis had the borders VERY thoroughly sealed, then unless Aslan supernaturally teleported creatures friendly to Him into Narnia from outside, the anti-Jadis army had to have been raised INSIDE Narnia. Which poses the large question of how they got equipped; did Aslan simply cause weapons and armor to come into existence from nowhere? Of course He COULD do exactly that, but it would be unlike His usual actions in the books.

If this RP lasts long enough, you, Lava, as its founder, will need to consider two alternatives, both of which could be made to provide action for player characters:

1) Aslan's army is to be formed entirely inside Narnia. Player characters get to have some role in preparing and equipping this army, maybe also in preventing the bad guys from noticing it too soon.

2) Aslan brings Gryphons, Centaurs, etc., INTO Narnia from outside. Player characters help this process in some way, such as by digging a hole in the ice wall Jadis created along the border.
I always figured it was a little of both, but with Alsan there, I don't think hole digging would be necessary. The leopards etc. were Aslan's Standard Bearers, I would think that they came with him. With the weapons, Lewis says in Prince Caspian that the Dwarves made them underground when they were in exile the second time. And the book never says that Jadis was threatened by their weapons, as a matter of fact, we KNOW that she did not disarm Rumblebuffin before he was turned to stone. The way I thought it happened is that some of the animals/creatures who would have problems living under Jadis came with Aslan while the rest were Narnians who joined the cause. Also, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that dwarves and Centaurs and really anything that would have used swords or bows had them hidden somewhere. Some may have even gotten them for Christmas.
I have played as both Tumnus and Maugrim, simply by default, because their presence was called for. But I feel no ownership in them! Lava, if you want to control those canonical characters after this, please do.
Finally, if I kill off Exeter sometime in the next twenty or thirty posts, I hope no one objects to my then bringing one of his equally-useless brothers onstage to take his place. Their presence is giving everybody _else_ a chance to appear dashing by comparison!

I personally have no objection at all, but am intrigued as to how just how many brothers he has? After all, Zamron, my minotaur, has recently murdered one of his brothers!

Player characters help this process in some way, such as by digging a hole in the ice wall Jadis created along the border.

Surely, this will be unnecessary, as the arrival of Aslan causes the snow and ice to rapidly melt into Spring, signalling the end of Jadis's Winter?

I have played as both Tumnus and Maugrim, simply by default, because their presence was called for. But I feel no ownership in them! Lava, if you want to control those canonical characters after this, please do.

Well, until Aslan's resurrection, and journey to the white witch's castle with Susan and Lucy, I don't envisage Tumnus playing a very big part in the game: his immediate future as a 'guest' of Jadis is not looking very promising!
I have played as both Tumnus and Maugrim, simply by default, because their presence was called for. But I feel no ownership in them! Lava, if you want to control those canonical characters after this, please do.

No, like I said, they are to be considered public property.
Glad the OOC thread is revived! Now I'll use it to say:

Grimgrunt, the evil Bear character whom I created to be a sidekick to Zamron, is still a NON-player character in my mind. So if a big fight finally develops, I think he should be killed sooner than any PLAYER character. My "own" characters are Flakefeather and Exeter.
How long will Grimgrunt retain the possession of his thinking faculties anyways. They seem to be waning fast.
Thanks, Copperfox, much appreciated. I must confess I like having Grimgrunt around as he is a perfect companion for Zamron but unlike player characters, he is expendable.

Glad the OOC thread is revived! Now I'll use it to say:

Grimgrunt, the evil Bear character whom I created to be a sidekick to Zamron, is still a NON-player character in my mind. So if a big fight finally develops, I think he should be killed sooner than any PLAYER character. My "own" characters are Flakefeather and Exeter.

I totally agree! Whilst I am prepared to kill non-player characters, I always try to avoid doing so to Player Characters in games of this kind.
This is to remind folks of the availability of this thread for game-comments.

Savedbycross: Note that Cerek and Exeter have not yet _actually_ caught up with the Centaurs.
CORIN-T: Zamron surely was born well _after_ Jadis took power. Thus, he probably was _prevented_ from ever hearing about Aslan's warnings. Grimgrunt's mental decline should be a baffling mystery to him.
This is continued from the thread:
He had to build it in a clearing because the trees in the neighborhood were not fond of him when they learned that he was in the pay of the Witch. I did not say it, but I imagined that the house was far enough away from any trees or brush of any kind so that they could not intentionally damage it by dropping a limb on it. I did say that Mia's house was well built and well built houses do not leak sound bad enough that a normal discussion might be heard from someone who might be 20+ yards away in a treeline during a substantial snow as it is described in the book. I know that I cannot hear my parents talking outside their room if they are talking unless their window is opened. Think of a three room log cabin with windows in all of the rooms. One where all the chinks have been filled and wooden floors and you will get a good idea of how I pictured the house. The sound would have to be somewhat buffered for the faun's occupation in life and Mia obtained the house from him. Sorry, but the minotaur would not have heard anything much that was incriminating until Mia opened the door to see what was going on outside with the wolf.
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Okay. I'm sure Corin-T will agree that Zamron could be interested in where the animals are going, even without having heard their talk. Also, Zamron might not realize that he would not have been able to hear through the walls anyway, and so still would be annoyed at Grimgrunt for being noisy.
Copperfox: That is exactly how I i.e Zamron saw things and the reasons for doing what I did.

Lava: My sincere apologies for not understanding properly the situation regarding Mia's house. The only defence I can offer is that I joined the game a couple of days after your description (thread 55) and, although I read the earlier threads, I did not remember the relevant part. I am sorry if the way I have played or (mis)understood matters has spoiled your own enjoyment of the game: I assure you that was never my intention at all. As far as Zamron eavesdropping by Mia's house is concerned, that seemed to me a reasonable course of action to take, although I accept your comments about it being solid enough to prevent him actually hearing anything 'incriminating'.

Savedbydcross: Welcome to the game. I hope you find it as enjoyable as you would wish.
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Korkoa the TDL member has been inactive now for quite awhile, which leaves us the question of what to do with Korkoa the player-character Leopard. It is to be assumed that the Leopard set out from Mia's house with the rest; but it would not be unreasonable for him to run ahead, in hopes of picking up more information about the Pevensies.

My suggestion is this: For as long as possible, we go on passively assuming that Korkoa the Leopard IS with Mia's party. But if a situation arises which would _demand_ positive action by the Leopard, and Korkoa-the-player _still_ does not show up, we _then_ agree that the Leopard ran ahead out of sight shortly _before_ the crisis developed.

It is because of situations like this that I have a roleplay policy of _letting_ my characters be "taken over" briefly by other players if I'm unavailable for any length of time.