Our Darkest Hour


New member

Far from the lights, far from the sound
Miles above the choking ground,
It screams in anguish, cries to me.
He does not see, He will not see.

Happiness long forgot, the iron fist blazes hot,
The weeping wound-when will it clot?
Turmoil reigns, supreme, enthroned,
Ragged souls in hearts stone-cold.

What can they seek to quench the flame?
Who will soothe the searing pain?
Fear claws at the gasping heart
Shrieking doubt rips them apart.

I'm begging end it and be done.
Then once again we'll see the sun.
Tears of relief down the scarred face
Of a lonely planet in an endless race.

Somehow this makes me think of Bilbo Baggins' riddle contest with Gollum in "The Hobbit." What you have written is like a colorful, intriguing riddle. I know someone said "A poem should not MEAN, but BE"--but nonetheless I'd love to know what your poem MEANS!
i think il PM in reply to ur question, because im not sure if my views are 2 extreme, for some of the younger, more impressionable members.
I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Having seen your PM, it's okay to say that you were right about sin and corruption being everywhere, and ourselves not immune to it.

Something I have often had occasion to say is that every religion tells us to "be good," but ONLY the gospel of Jesus has the power to SAVE us from our already-existing FAILURES to "be good." Prevention may be better than cure--but not AFTER the damage is already done. The damage of sin is already present in the world, so the cure--the Blood of Jesus--is what the world needs.
I agree.
I also think your're right about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Are you a pastor?
Are there a lot of Roman Catholics in the States?
This one is more self-explanatory!!


Caught up in a web of lies,
In a world full of deceit.
Mistrust, rampant; Truth-it dies
Every minute on Easy Street.

Oh, Easy Street, the covetted part,
Of a town of hate and greed,
People there donate their hearts,
To live their lives high on speed.

They offer you a magic pill,
And say it gives you wings to fly.
You've sold your soul, it's all downhill.
You have no tears though you want to cry.

Living in the mass decay,
An overwhelming, all-pervasive rot.
Where every night the people pay,
To watch humanity be shot.

Rabid creatures roam the streets,
They wave their banners, lie in wait.
For the sound of human heart-beats.
Wretched souls make easy bait.

Chaos reigns on Easy Street,
The odour of hypocrisy rank on the air.
I'm running fast- I'm going to meet
The next bus going out of there.

I love that one! It's a fine portrayal of the wide road Jesus warned us against; and the part about the bus at the end made me think of the heavenly bus Mr. Lewis imagined riding on in "The Great Divorce."

No, I am not a clergyman; but EVERY believer in Jesus can be a minister in the ways that matter most. As for Catholics in the United States, yes, there are plenty of them. I'm an independent evangelical myself, but have attended Catholic charismatic prayer fellowships many times.
Welcome to the forum Moonshadow. Great name :)

Tears of relief down the scarred face
Of a lonely planet in an endless race.

I loved those last lines. You have a very powerful way with words. I thought the first poem was just the tiniest bit obscure, but other than that, wonderful job.

I once started to write a poem that was sort of like your "easy street." It started out with humanity rushing towards this cliff like lemmings, everyone pushing forward so hard that they didn't even realize what was happening up ahead....I never finished the poem. Sigh.

Do you write a lot of poetry?
thanks, ur feedback means a lot to me. please continue, and continue to be honest in expressing your opinions of my poetry.

Copperfox, my parents were very involved with the charismatic movement. I hope to be also soon..We're Roman Catholic as you've obviously figured.:)

hi lost dreamer..(speaking of nice names!!;))
that's one of the best compliments I have ever received,-honestly!
I write poetry mainly when I'm depressed. (Been going through a lot of rough patches lately..unfortunately, this time, they seem to have handicapped me as far as writing is concerned. But I am slowly getting back into it.) Otherwise, I write songs..
What about you?
hi lost dreamer..(speaking of nice names!!;))

Lol :p

I know what you mean about the depressed poetry...I used to do a lot of depressed songwriting. Its strange the way that happens. Only a few of them were ever good, but hey, it helped the moods.

I've written poetry ever since I started writing but I never got really serious about it...it wasn't the right timing, and I never felt like I knew what I was doing. Over the past few months I've decided to try and take it to the next level. If you check the poetry of the month thread, you'll find one of my poems on about the 4th (?) page. Not to advertise. *hides*

I don't usually hand out compliments, but your poems deserved it :)