Paint Shop Pro


New member
Okay, I don't know if there is a thread exactly like this, but this is for people who use any Paint Shop Pro for their graphics....So if you have any questions about it, somebody else might have some tips, or if you find a really good tutorial, etc. So who does use psp????
At first I started making banners with PSP. I loved it but it wasn't mine :( (my cousins) and I had to give it back so I got Photo Shop. :D
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Paint Shop Pro...that was the first program I ever used to make a banner *dreams* It was only a trial version,but I really liked it when I had it.Nowadays,I use GIMP :D
Sisteuber said:
Okay, I don't know if there is a thread exactly like this, but this is for people who use any Paint Shop Pro for their graphics....So if you have any questions about it, somebody else might have some tips, or if you find a really good tutorial, etc. So who does use psp????

I have it and I use it for all my graphics!!!!!
Oh yes, you can make blends with it. I have it as well. But I use Photoshop CS2 the most. You can use the erase tool to make the layers look like one pic. You select a part of the pic you want to use in a new banner, you copy it and paste it in your banner-to-be and then you continue wih the next pic etc. Then on your banner-to-be, you select the seperate layers and order them and use the erase tool to get rid off unwanted parts and you can make a very beautiful blended banner. There are lots and lots of tutorials on google. Just try it. I have learned a LOT of them ;)
Mrs Gil-Galad Took said:
Oh yes, you can make blends with it. I have it as well. But I use Photoshop CS2 the most. You can use the erase tool to make the layers look like one pic. You select a part of the pic you want to use in a new banner, you copy it and paste it in your banner-to-be and then you continue wih the next pic etc. Then on your banner-to-be, you select the seperate layers and order them and use the erase tool to get rid off unwanted parts and you can make a very beautiful blended banner. There are lots and lots of tutorials on google. Just try it. I have learned a LOT of them ;)

Were you talking about paint shop pro or print shop??? :confused:
I was talking about Paintshop pro, but I see you talked about printshop. I have used printshop in the beginning and I could make great banners with it.
Not as good as Paintshop or photoshop, but I made blends with it. So it is possible.
The_Lost_Pevensie said:
With Paint Shop Pro I usually just make my belnds with the clone brush.

I have a really good way to make blends, which I will post when I'm on my computer, but I'm at school right now so I can't...