Pan's Labyrinth


New member
I saw a movie called Pan's Labyrinth advertised on a website ( and thought it look pretty good. It's supposed to be a horror movie, which I usually can't abide because I live across the street from a graveyard and am a big chicken. But I'm really interested in seeing this one. Has anyone else heard about this or seen it yet? I know the basic plotline.
I saw a movie called Pan's Labyrinth advertised on a website ( and thought it look pretty good. It's supposed to be a horror movie, which I usually can't abide because I live across the street from a graveyard and am a big chicken. But I'm really interested in seeing this one. Has anyone else heard about this or seen it yet? I know the basic plotline.

There is one issue- it's in spanish lol but if you don't mind subtitles and you can handle the spanish civil war (since it's rated R there will be a considerable amount of violence) go ahead!
There is one issue- it's in spanish lol but if you don't mind subtitles and you can handle the spanish civil war (since it's rated R there will be a considerable amount of violence) go ahead!

It does have subtitles? I don't mind reading at all, but I would kinda be at a loss if the entire movie was in Spanish and no subtitles, lol. I like war movies when they're actually about something, not just teen drama during WWII, like a film that will go un-named....:p