People of the Dirt


New member
*Daughter Of Eve_92* and I were talking in the Johnny Depp thread... And we agreed the fact that Johnny was the best as Jack with the jar of dirt.
So... Then the idea came to start a new group around here: The People of the Dirt :D
OK... Anyone who wants to join can PM *Daughter Of Eve_92* or me (Gwen). We will be the Queens of the Dirt....
We will establish a hierarchy... So who's first will get the best place! ;)
We need:
Guard(s) of the Dirt
People of the Dirt
Or just make up a "... of the Dirt"
Write in you PM what your name is, and "what" of the Dirt you wanna be. I'll post in THIS message who is who!


List of members:
*Daughter Of Eve_92*: Queen of the Dirt
Gwen: Gwen, Queen of the Dirt
GeNtLe SuSaN: Cortiana, Princess of the Dirt
Hecate: Biendalla, Lady of the Dirt
Charlie Lovs Skandar: Fairgotia, Angel of the Dirt
ILSE: Eliara, Fairy of the Dirt
QueenSusanofNarnia: Tatiana, Gaurd of the Dirt
*~Aslansfriend~*: Maiden of the Dirt
NarniaNews.Net: Priest of the Dirt​

QueenSusanofNarnia: Guard the boat, mind the tide... Don't touch my dirt.
Gwen: I want my jar of dirt!
Charlie Lovs Skandar: Dirt. This is a jar of dirt.
GeNtLe SuSaN: I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?
Hecate: Is the jar of dirt going to help?
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GeNtLe SuSaN said:
lol..I.......uhhhh.....*whispers to Gwen* What do I do????
*lol* Uhh... Everyone has a jar of dirt, all with a little dirt in it from THE JAR OF DIRT of Jack Sparrow... The most dirt of that JAR OF DIRT have the queens, than the princess, etc, etc... You protect it from evil creatures &nd above all: WATER!!!
*lol* The rest you may make up yourself, just explain it all in this thread ;)

BTW, QueenSusanofNarnia, I'll add you to the list! :)
Welcome to the People of the Dirt!