Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy


New member
What did you guys think about them?! Not who plays them, but the characters themselves, what did you guys think?? Like what was your favorite part with them, or your not so favorite part? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! :)
Oddly Susan reminds me of my older sister Susan. Lucy is my favorite, just as she is Aslan's favorite. Edmund has a certain pathos that comes from seeing him full of so much anger and resentment, then being scared within an inch of his life, then realizing that the greatest things in life are what he nearly threw away. Peter, well, he really tries hard to replace Daddy. I feel sorry for him. Those are big shoes to fill, and there's nobody to pass the buck to.
Lucy is such a cool girl, she has a wonderful "child-like innocence" about her. She is adorable in the movie. Edmund, although he betrays his siblings, turns good in the end. Susan is the peaceful one, always mediating between her other siblings, but she is very caring and kind. Peter is such a good older brother and is protective and caring. so yeah, thats my thoughts about the characters. All 4 of them are awesome! My fave parts about them is when they all help each other in the end and all care and love each other and actually are a family. my worst part.... don't know.
i think lucy is very childlike and inccent but i think there is a bravery strake in there. peter is such a good and protective older brother and brave. just the type of borther i would like if i had an older brother. edmund is very rebellious but then he gets better and susan is so senible and serious.
I really enjoyed the performances that these actors and actresses put on.

Peter was brave and commanding, yet at the same time he had his doubts about his ability to lead. He was the self appointed guardian of his younger siblings and managed to protect them and help save Narnia from Jadis.

Susan was the perfect 'older sister' type. She tried to act like their mother, mediating and trying to stay as calm and rational about everything as possible.

Edmund was a great middle child. He felt shunned and ignored by his family and resented the way that they treated him. However in the end he found that his family did care for him and rejoined them braver and more commited than ever!

Lucy was my favorite however. Her expressions were so cute and innocent, she was perfect at the role!
C. S. Lewis gave all the characters wonderful personalities. All are different, yet all are very true to life. Lucy and Susan are probably my most favorite. Lucy's child-like innocence is very captivating. She is the first to see Narnia and believe its realness. She sees things through pure eyes. Life has not begun to jade her or color her interpretation of her experiences. Susan, on the other hand is not so quick to believe, but once she does, she does so fully. She is wise beyond her years and is the most cautious of the four, yet once she is able to put her skepticism aside, sheis also able to see an experience as what it truely is. I do also have a lot of adminration for Peter. A great responsibility was placed upon his shoulders, but he carries that burdeon sxceptionally well and does all that is required of him faithfully. And Edmund plays the role of the untimate prodigal son. His character is very believable. It wasnt long after reading about his plight that I had begun to feel sorry for him, and then later on even fell some resentment toward him for betraying hos own family, yet it was his transgressions that made a way for the ultimate victory over evil. I found myself rather liking him after he makes his conversion.I guess there's something inside each one that makes them all seem real to me. Clealy, Lewis was one of the greatest writers of all time.
I reali enjoyed the film. William is so hot but he played the part of peter great.susan was excellent that was just how I imagiened she would be.Lucy is a great wee actress too!! Edmund was great 2! the film was great!xxx :)
Because of her innocence. She and Susan were the only two characters we ever see Aslan actually PLAY with, and you'll understand what I mean if you recheck the book where Aslan was resurrected. They were also the two characters that gave him comfort. He was walking to his death and they laid their hands on his mane as he walked. There were hints of a special relationship here and there, not that the Pevensies were not equals, but that Lucy was some sort of first among equals because of her purity of heart.
I really liked the way William Moseley portrayed Peter. He really knew how to be that "big brother type" character because he is such a nice and compassionate person in real life. (I havent met him but if you read the "Illustrated movie companion" you'll see what I mean).

Susan was a little less developed, although that suited the performance ok because she is probably the least developed character in the book. I'm sure Susan is a Virgo, as she is so logical and not keen on displaying too much emotion. I loved Anna's performance, by the way.

Edmund is such an important character to the books, and I'm glad they cast Skandar rather than some little snot-nosed kid with glasses (Like in the animated movie).

Lucy is my favourite character by far. Her innocence and imagination are not affected by pre-concieved ideas of logic and reality, unlike the other characters. I think Georgie captured that perfectly.
peterismyking said:
What did you guys think about them?! Not who plays them, but the characters themselves, what did you guys think?? Like what was your favorite part with them, or your not so favorite part? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! :)
Peter is my favorite because he is if you will "the hero" and I like the way he protects his sisters the rest I like only a tiny bit less.
~Kristen :)
i like peter, first cause his my hero and secomd cause his a great actor... of course i think that they all did a great job.. especially georgie did a great job cause of her low age... only 10, well done georgie!!!! mr. tumnus was kinda funny and charming:D
i just loved little Lucy, she was so young, but also very smart and brave.

Edmund was also great. he had the biggest transformation, and he turned form bad into good. i loved the way that they portrayted the scene that he found out that the witch was bad

Susan, even though i don't really like her person i think that she was in the way she has to be. a sort "trying to be a very mature girl" or something like that;)

Peter, i'm sorry but i didn't really like peter. i mean, WM did a very good job, and Peter was really the way he should be, but he was too good, everything went to perfect, and sometimes he was very mean (the girlscoat thing)
lieke said:
i just loved little Lucy, she was so young, but also very smart and brave.

Edmund was also great. he had the biggest transformation, and he turned form bad into good. i loved the way that they portrayted the scene that he found out that the witch was bad

Susan, even though i don't really like her person i think that she was in the way she has to be. a sort "trying to be a very mature girl" or something like that;)

Peter, i'm sorry but i didn't really like peter. i mean, WM did a very good job, and Peter was really the way he should be, but he was too good, everything went to perfect, and sometimes he was very mean (the girlscoat thing)

hehe.. yeah, i agree!!!:D