Places to film Prince Caspian

California would most likely be the CGI stuff which Andrew and crew and the tech people would all work together on - I don't think the cast will!

NZ and Ireland are still getting debated on but casting has not began!
Aw man. Some of the hills near my area sorta remind me of the Phoenix scene in LWW. I was like,"Oh won't it be SO cool if Prince Caspian filmed there?" Though I do think that place has some sign that says NO Trespassing or somethig...oh, never mind.
yeah i think they're filming some indoor-stuff in Cali. (they filmed some stuff for LWW there, such as scenes they used alot of CGI on...)

anyways, I think that they should film in Ireland: I mean, PC is 1000 years after LWW, so the scenery should not be the same!
The battle of Beruna is going to be filmed in Tahiti. I don't know any other sites that they've approved for the other scenes, that's the only one I've learned about.
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
Well, I think the actual building they used for Cair Paravel was in California, so I think they'll be doing at least some filming there.

Really?? That's cool!! About...the filming Cair Paravel in CA thing. Well, you can do indoor stuff ANYWHERE, I mean, HELLO! It's indoors! lol
I Dunno

:confused: I dont know. i kinda think it should be filmed in nz because thats where they filmed lww, isnt it?? i kinda think it shoulkd be filmed in ireland cause its a thousand years scince theyve been there!!


I am
Mrs. Moseley
Nothing has actually been decided yet, but like LLW, they will probably shoot bits all over the world
~charmedgirl~ said:
The battle of Beruna is going to be filmed in Tahiti. I don't know any other sites that they've approved for the other scenes, that's the only one I've learned about.
Tahiti??!!! :eek: What?!! Thats like a tropical island, so unnarnian. That wouldent make any sence. Where did you here that?
~charmedgirl~ said:
The battle of Beruna is going to be filmed in Tahiti. I don't know any other sites that they've approved for the other scenes, that's the only one I've learned about.

Nothing has been officially approved yet.

Where did you hear this?
Where did you hear this?

Are you sure you aren't confused about the fact that there is a Italian town called Narnia?