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Hey... can anyone tell me what happened to susan in the narnia book series? I heard she turns bad and is sent back to earth, forgotten by narnia. I really liked that character. :confused: I was really upset when I heard the news, can anyone tell me clearly what happened with Susan? ( PS : I read the magician's Nephew, LWW and prince caspian and i plan to read the rest, that's why i don't know much about susan Pevensie's fate.)
IN the end she turns away from Aslan. It never says what happens to her after the end of Narnia. You have to read all the books to understand... XOXOX
ProundNarnian said:
Hey... can anyone tell me what happened to susan in the narnia book series? I heard she turns bad and is sent back to earth, forgotten by narnia. I really liked that character. :confused: I was really upset when I heard the news, can anyone tell me clearly what happened with Susan? ( PS : I read the magician's Nephew, LWW and prince caspian and i plan to read the rest, that's why i don't know much about susan Pevensie's fate.)
Hey this should go in the last battle section. Oh and I`m glad you joined.
I think it's because she grew up(there's nothing wrong with growing up). And I think she felt ot of place in Prince Caspian. Remember, she was acting mean to Lucy?
(I think it's ok that she outgrew Narnia, and cared about lipstick, and boys, and dating because girls that age can't control themselves. But she shouldn't have forgotten about Narnia!)
Thanks guys

Well thanks guys, it was a great help.
Too bad fo Susan though. :confused:
At least Peter, Edmund and Lucy made it. ( thinking postitive :D )
One of my firend's friends told me she died, but she didn't, she wasn't in the train during the accident, she was just in the real world.
Susan did not die

Susan made to adulthood she never died she just grew up I was kinda sad when she did not make it to the end but in Prince caspien after she was the way she was to Lu and the others she acted very grown up and like she did not believe anymore

Susan is one of my fave chrcters the most fave of them is

The wonderful thing about Susan is that it is a mystery as to what truly happens to her in her life. Will the deaths of those she loves cause her to remember Narnia and Aslan or Jesus in our own world? Will she later come to the knowledge that her life is incomplete without God and return to Him? We can only hope so. Perhaps that is another story waiting to be written.