Pleased to meet you I shouldn't wonder...

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New member
Hello everyone-

I'm Puddleglum, AKA Keith Ling from Alpharetta GA (30 miles north of Atlanta). I first read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was 16. This was shortly after I made my commitment to Jesus. I'm a happily married father of 5 (4 boys , 1 girl), insurance clerk by day, and mobile DJ on weekends.

I also have a Progressive Rock radio show. It's called Jubal's Wardrobe and can be heard on I'm on Monday evenings from 8:00 - 11:00 P.M. EST. We have a Java chat room there as well as irc (starchat, #progressivesoundscapes). Come on in, have a listen and say hi. I even take requests for adventurous music.

Looking forward making the best of things here. I'll probably get flamed, trounced, ridiculed and snickered at, I shouldn't wonder...
Puddleglum said:
I'll probably get flamed, trounced, ridiculed and snickered at, I shouldn't wonder...
Cheer up, PG old chap. We don't do any of that here. Okay, maybe the snickering.

Welcome to the site. Poke around and give us your insights in the other threads.
borntofly said:
yes, hello and welcome! we won't bite, well mabye we won't... but welcome all the same :D

What she is trying to say is the inactive members don't bite... but the rest of us, watch out! :) jk. Welcome! Another place to introduce yourself is in "Indroduction Thread"... have alook around! :)
Welcome welcome welcome my southern puddleglum, have fun and enjoy the place and feel free to ask any of us questions, even me. I do happen to have answers to all questions, but some are definantly better than others, lol.

Hello there to you sir PG! Welcome to the site, always good to see new faces around the place, enjoy all we have to offer and immerse yourself fully in the world that is provided here!
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