Post Count died in Duffers?

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I liked post count in duffers....:\

Its how I got 700 of my posts

I also noticed that post count is shown again?

Pfft. :)
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the Mods said they disabled the post-count in the fan and duffer section to reduce post-gouging. check the fan section; it says so right before you go in.
I hope they don't do that in the rpg section! I wouldn't get ANY posts! I'd have to move back to the Professors Writing Club.
When I first came to Tdl, my friend and i asked how the post count worked. The mods replied that Duffers and fan sections didn't count. I had to become a senior member by other means.
Yes, we turned off the post count in the Land of Duffers and Fan Club sections because of massive spammings happening there. If you all care to know, I used to have over 2000 posts before this was implimented, a count I am still trying to reach.

However, post count is not the most important thing on the board. It is ALWAYS better to have less posts that are thought provoking and move a conversation forward then long posts that everyone hates to read, like "I agree" or "Cool." And believe me, you will be remembered for those awesome posts, and not your post count.

Since this question has been answered (and some people have been spamming the thread) I shall iLock it.


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