Prince Caspian


New member
Are yall ready for Prince Caspian the movie???
I am ready personally.
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was so good and I am sure the rest will be good too!

Why don't you think this is the right place for this thread???
Did I do something wrong??
Yesterday was the first time I have been on this website in a long time.

I heard they are going to make all seven movies, does anyone know if this is true or if it's not??
I hope they make all seven.
The only thing they could have done better, that I personally would have liked was to make the movies in order of which the books are.
Naw, Chesley, you're good. Plenty of people get confused about where to post threads, so don't worry! If it's really in the wrong place, a mod will move it for you.

Lava is correct that this would probably go better in the PC movie section. (This is the book section here.)

I must agree with Cymro.... Who isn't?! :D Good grief, I've been ready for two years!
I moved this to the movie area since it's about the movie and not the book so much.

I'm excited to see the film but can wait...June comes right after May and LionCon has a long way to go before we're ready for it.
Do any of you know anything about the rating of the movie? Not that it matters, but I was wondering if it was going to be rated PG or PG-13.
My guess would be what the first movie was rated, which for some reason I don't know, but am guessing was PG. lol.

Do any of you know anything about the rating of the movie? Not that it matters, but I was wondering if it was going to be rated PG or PG-13.

I should think they'd make an effort to keep it PG for now, since it is supposed to be a children's series. Harry Potter wasn't rated PG-13 until the fourth movie, if I'm not mistaken.
I've been ready for years. I have my costume all laid out, plans with friends made... If PC came out tomorrow I would be there with my sister and two best friends to buy the first tickets. ;)
I can't wait till there all out and I have them all on DVD!!!!
I don't go to the movies so, I'll have to wait longer then yall will:eek:
i saw the trailer and its awesome we decided that our entire huge family should go

see how the normal people react to see an army decsending down on them:D
I don't know if I'll take the whole family the first night because I want to see the film and that's tough with 2 little ones. However, after I get to see it at least once, I'll take the little ones to see it too provided it's ok for kids that small.