Programs you use????


New member
ok, I asked a few of you what program you guys I really want to be able to make some graphics (and all I have is paint!) so PLEASE help me!!! do you buy it or download, or what??? HELP!!!
well, i use Photoshop Elements, which is essentially Photoshop, except it has a few less options, and it costs a bit less. I think the regular Photshop Elements is like.....300 bucks, but the one for Mac is around 80. I've also heard of a program called "Ulead", but i know absoloutly nothing else about it. hope that helped!
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oh my gosh!!! thanks SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

ps: do you create an account to download the Paint shop pro, thing at Corel???
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I use Ulead Photo Impact XL. This is a great program, and there is a lot of stuff that I still cannot do with it. I think it's better to get one program, stick with it and try to learn all you can with it.
I use photoshop elements 2.0 which i find is very good. i dont know how much it is but i know you can have a 30 day trial or something like that.
Corel Draw 12 (vector) and Corel PhotoPaint 12 (bitmap).

This Andy Warholesque graphic was meant to symbolize the problem cheetahs have with a lack of genetic diversity. Hence the repeating faces all identical in the background, which are a switch of the cheetah in the foreground from left to right. It appears in a science curriculum I wrote called "Operation Survival 21".


If you're interested, Operation Survival 21 is at: