pronunciation question


New member

I stumbled upon this website while searching for the correct phonetic pronunciation of "Calormen" and "Calormene(s)"... I'm a singer/songwriter and I want to incorporate a vague reference in a new song. Can anyone help? Is there a resource for the intended pronunciation of C.S. Lewis's names?

I've heard a recorded version that stresses the word as CalORmen, I always heard CALormen in my head.

thanks in advance,

Hmm - good question. I've always pronounced, and heard it pronounced, KAY-lor-men, but I've never heard any authoritative work on it.
Well, I've always thought it was "CALormen", as you said...but I don't know.
Well, I am not for sure the official way it is supposed to pronounced. But I do have a question for you.......what type of music do you write/sing? I'm a HUGE music buff and love talking to anyone who is in that field (I'm going to school now hoping to eventually work in that field myself.)
Well, if C.S. Lewis was from N. Ireland - we'd best ask Queen Swanwhite who she pronounces it. That's probably the correct way.

Hope96 said:
Well, I am not for sure the official way it is supposed to pronounced. But I do have a question for you.......what type of music do you write/sing? I'm a HUGE music buff and love talking to anyone who is in that field (I'm going to school now hoping to eventually work in that field myself.)

Hi, Hope96

I write Christian-based songs that use poetic imagery to convey the message in ways that everyday punters can hopefully relate to. The kind of musical sound I tend to use is similar to British mainstream bands like Radiohead, Oasis or U2 although I'm Australian-based.

If you want to check out my sound - these are urls to my spots on a couple of mp3 download sites:

...the former site is my own individual stuff, whereas the latter is more oriented to my band The Lamplight which is in hibernation right now.

Thanks for enquiring!

I've always been under the impression that calormene is named so because it is a desert, Calor being a greek/latin root for hot and mene designating a location sort of like like Archenland may be named so for its many mountains (Arch)

It sort of makes sense to me i guess