Prunaprismia - castle battle scene


New member
Perhaps I am missing something, but I replayed in normal, AND SLOW motion and I still don't understand why, in the scene with Caspian, Peter, Susan and the others in Miraz's room, Prunaprismia screams at the end.

Like right after she shoots Caspian in the arm - she screams like someone hit Miraz or something. I can understand that would be awful upsetting(shooting your nephew in the arm because he is trying to kill your husband, EEP!), But the way she was screaming made me hold my breath for a full minute before I realised everyone was still okay lol(Save for Caspian's arm).

So, basically, is there any paticular reason Prunaprismia was screaming at the end of that scene?
Because she is stressed, and doesn't want to hurt Caspian but doesn't want him to kill Miraz either. She screams because she pulls the trigger on the crossbow.
Honestly, as I was and after writing the above post I started to see that. That is understandable...

Anyways, sorry about my long post, was my way of asking a simple question. Thanks for clearing it up though!
I was never really thought about why Pruny screamed. Thanks Lava for that explanation. Oh, and another thing: after she shoots Caspian in the arm it seems like it never happened in the battle in the courtyard.:confused:
I just watched that scene again just recently and I noticed that Pruny actually screams twice.
The first time is when she shoots and wings Caspian ("its only a fleshwound!"), then again and louder when Miraz uses the confusion to duck out the door, abandoning her to the tender mercies of Peter and Susan.
Of course, being noble and hororable, they won`t harm her but SHE dosn`t know that.

Incidently, with the Monty Python quote in mind how about Susan`s "Just because somebody gave you a sword it dosn`t make you a hero" line from TLTWATW.
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I just thought she was screaming because she realized just how bad Miraz was. but actually, the tear\rip in Caspian's sleeve is still there during the battle. and I believe the wound is as well. I'd have to watch it again to know for sure.

but as either Ben or Will said on the commentary said, "That's the first time I've ever seen anna miss." lol.
i saw during or after the scream or somthing she's like not sitting up on the bed anymore :confused: like the VERY LAST SECOND~ :)
thats what i remember? :S because i remember that seen being difficult for me too... hehe LOL :D
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I think AK is right - she's screaming because she's horrified that the man she loves is actually a terrible, evil person, and she's probably realising his schemes as this whole scene unfolds. She loves Caspian as her own, because she helped raise him, and it's terrifying for her to know that Miraz not only killed Caspian's father, but Caspian too. I mean, imagine you in that situation! It's undoubtedly terrifying and incredibly upsetting.
I never really payed much attention to Prunaprisma screaming after she shott Caspian, but I assumed she was afraid for Miraz. However my first impression was that she herself had been wounded, that Susan had shot her for shooting Caspian. :)
I made my own commentary of the movie and noticed a lot about that scene as I went through it again. The second scream is heard from Pruna, but she's laying completely still on the bed as she screams, almost as if the second scream was added in post-production (I bet they did).

She's laying very still on the bed as if she's sleeping, but she screams as she lays there. Kinda weird... :confused:
I made my own commentary of the movie and noticed a lot about that scene as I went through it again. The second scream is heard from Pruna, but she's laying completely still on the bed as she screams, almost as if the second scream was added in post-production.

She's laying very still on the bed as if she's sleeping, but she screams as she lays there. Kinda weird... :confused:

Hence why I first wondered if she had been shot by Susan. :D
I thought she was screaming because she just realized her husband had killed Caspian's father....

But I may be mistaken ^_^

Oh, and Caspian's arm wound is there throughout the courtyard battle. Me & my brother were watching to see if it would disappear and it didn't :P
In fact, I'm pretty sure it's there through the rest of the movie xD
I didn't know what to think of the character in the film. In the book there's a comment that Caspian didn't like his nurse because she didn't like him. Yet, in the film she seems to care about him and not bear any ill will toward him. I didn't pay much attention to the scream really.
Pruny's not his nurse, just his aunt. They completely cut the nurse out of the movie and rolled some of her dialouge and actions into the Professor.

But that's odd...I've never really paid attention to that because my brother's always cracking up that it looks like a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: they're all pointing weapons at each other and moving them from person to person.