Hermit of Archenland
Active member
Granted that Narnia is not really an allegory, we can still give symbolic meanings to many characters, e.g. Peter representing heroism and Lucy faith. So what do we make of Puddleglum? To me he represents absolute faith without any prospect of reward. Despite his pessimism Puddleglums faith in Aslan is unshakeable, for example when the Prince says the writing on the plain at Harfang had no relation to their quest. Of course his normally gloomy attitude just makes moments like these even more powerful.
In a way Puddleglum reminds me of the author of Eclessiastes; all mortal life is futile but one should still follow God.
One thing I've always wondered though; what are Puddleglum and the other marshwiggles like in the New Narnia we see in TLB?
In a way Puddleglum reminds me of the author of Eclessiastes; all mortal life is futile but one should still follow God.
One thing I've always wondered though; what are Puddleglum and the other marshwiggles like in the New Narnia we see in TLB?