Puerto Rico


New member
Anyone from Puerto Rico here...
Alguien de Puerto Rico aquí...

It doesn't matter if it's not from Puerto Rico, at least a Spanish member in here at Narnia Fans. I've been waiting to meet one, now that there are no much fans that are spanish or Puerto Ricans. I would like to meet in here Spanish people... no matter who person might be. If an english person comes here, and talks spanish, it's ok to me... there's no bother for me in here. As long I can talk with spanish people, I'm happy with that.
No importa si no es de Puerto Rico, por lo menos un miembro español aqui en Narnia Fans. He estado esperando a conocer uno, ya que no hay tantos fanaticos que son españoles or puertorriqueños. Me gustaría conocer personas españolas... no importa que persona sea. Si es una persona inglesa y sabe español, conmigo no hay ningún problema... no hay molestia para mi aquí. Al menos que pueda hablar con una persona española, soy feliz con eso.

At least you are something from Puerto Rico, now that there are no much fan people of Narnia in here. Well, there might be some, but I don't know them then. I'm happy with that...

Who else...
I'm not from Puerto Rico, but I know plenty of Spanish people xD
One of my friends say its a dead language, that's because she lives by all the Asians.
I'm learning how to speak Spanish..
my parents went to a wedding in Puerto Rico... and a lot of people ask me if I'm Mexican... but no, I'm not from Puerto Rico.