Was the lamb in Last Battle, who asked Shift about Tash, Aslan? I know that he would seem to be Aslan as a lamb was the form that Aslan took in VDT; however, something that the Lamb said in TLB made me think otherwise. The Lamb said that the "Narnians belong to Aslan, and the Calormenes belong to Tash." However, Aslan explains to Emeth later in the book that a Narnian could do a cruelty in his name, and it would truly be done in the name of Tash, and a Calormene could do something good in Tash's name, and it would be really done in the name of Aslan. So basically, Aslan tells Emeth that Narnians and Calormenes choose by their actions which diety to follow. Still, the lamb isn't mentioned anywhere else in the book (except when Jewel didn't know what happened to him), so Aslan may have been him.