
I don't know how awesome my stuff is..:D
But,I made my curent siggy and avatar in a free downloaded program called GIMP.
I got the screen capture for my avvy off google.
The banner pictures came from Annon Nan Galadh's gallery.:)
Okay, how do you get screen capture?

I can't take screen captures like most people can.For avatars I use a digital camera,and hold it to the screen.When I open the image,scale it down,and sharpen to 40,it comes out clear.This usually doens't work for banners,unfortunately.:(
I get all my screen-caps for banners off the enternet,by searching Google images,or sites.
What are you looking for?
i guess a way that I can do screen capture! But I don't know how. SO if someone that can do screencapture can tell me how it would be much apreciated! thanks for gimp though.
I'm not much of a techy person so this might be really simple but I was wondering how you people make this awesome sigs and avatars from these movies?

I'm not really a techy person either, but I've watched others long enough, and I have a program that does cool things. I spent this last summer exploring all that my program: photoshop 2.0, could do, and I've also done some tutorials put on by other people. before that, I would look at the people who were already awesome at it and just try to duplicate what they'd done.