Questions That Needed Some Answers

Cass P

New member

Does anyone know ...

1. ... how old Shasta and Aravis were when they first met? (And I assume the Narnian year was 1014, a year before the Pevensies vanished from Narnia)

2. ... how old they were when they got married?

3. ... and how old they were when their son, Ram was born??

I've been searching for the answers for quite a while now, but with no success. I've re-read the book but I fear that I might have missed something (and I don't have much time to re-read it again lately).

If you don't know the exact answers, can you please tell me your thoughts/theories/whatsoever?? I feel so piqued!

Thanks. :)
Those questiopns are never awnser in the book. I would say that they are avbout 12, bout thats just a gess. It might say in the outline of narnia histoy, but that was deawen up after the books were writen and i dont have it here
I have some Narnia ages and a time line...

1. Shasta 14, Aravis 13
2. and 3. are not awnsered, but if Ram secceded Cor/Shasta in 1050 of Narnia time, and Cor/Shasta was 14 in 1014, I can assume that Cor was around 40 and Ram must have been around 20 in order to take over the throne so we may assume that Cor/Shasta married Aravis maybe around 18-20, then having Ram as a child around 25 or 30...but these are all assumptions and I have no proof...I only have certian dates in which I made these educated assumptions from.
Thats really neat. 13 and 14 sound about the right age I had never actually thought about what age they where.
Tryad girl forget what we said and go read the book
Since the Telmarine takeover couldn't have come the instant the Pevensies vanished

...and since the Pevensies left no children in Narnia, I wonder if Archenland might have supplied a king and queen to take over. After all, as far as I know, Archenland's royal family had unbroken descent from King Frank.
I think it's funny because of the way Lewis describes it - something like, "they'd argue and make up again, and they did it so often that they got married so they could do it more conveniently."