Random and crazy!

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New member
This is for the random and crazy...anything random or crazy...anything as long as its clean and family appropriate is allowed here. :D


First off,hi,how are you? and lets start tha randomness!
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GeNtLe SuSaN said:
I like buttered toast.....(is that random enough??)lol:D
definately...lol ed edd n' eddy?

ED-"eddy can i have another jawbreaker, oh please oh please i promise I'll be good" :D
Stacy's mom has got it going on! Stacy cab't ya see, your just not the girl for me! I'm in love with stacy's mom.......lol. jk.
WHAT?!?!?! Waht do you mean the world will blow up?
In 1 second the world....BOOM!!!!
*in outer space*
I told ya the world would blow up......
NarniaNerd91 said:
WHEE SPLEEN!!!!!!!! :D

I have 2 spleens... bet ya didn't know that?!!?!


um, yeah, Hi, i'm good.
Not really. I have to leave and I'm like dead tired but I don't want to leave because I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday and I won't be on as much. Sadness!

Well, I'm off!

Love ya'll! :D
*kisses and huggs*
Nighty nite
*waves good bye*
Princess_Iliana said:
I have 2 spleens... bet ya didn't know that?!!?!


um, yeah, Hi, i'm good.
Not really. I have to leave and I'm like dead tired but I don't want to leave because I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday and I won't be on as much. Sadness!

Well, I'm off!

Love ya'll! :D
*kisses and huggs*
Nighty nite
*waves good bye*

good nite,ima go too
much love
Where's IOWW? She needs to post her "crazy" speech in here, just to make this place feel RANDOM and CRAAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :D
*Tap dances in* "BONANZAAAAAAA!!!"

OOOOohhhhhhh Bunny went a hoppin' one sunny day
Down the road where the baker stayed.
Hoppin' hoppin' he did go
Hummin' his lil song
But bunny didn't know that something lay in wait
Just over yonder by that gate!
Obliviously bunny ran head-long,
Into a waiting guard dog
A really big pit-bull!
Bunny screamed and hooped and hollered,
and got chased round the yard.
'Till he saw the gate again,
and bounced that way,
The doggie was close behind.
It would have been the end for Bunny,
If he hadn't hopped on through.
The doggie ran right after him,
and bonked into the gate!
Bunny ran on down the path, his lil heart a pumpin'.
He calmed down after a bit
Chewin' on some lettuce.
Bunny went on hoppin' again
and plum forgot the dog.
But what poor lil' Bunny didn't know
Was that it wasn't over.
The sky went dark for a second
And Bunny looked down
To see a shadow loomin',
It got bigger and bigger,
Then Bunny heard this noise
A loud "SCREACH!!" he heard,
but couldn't get away.
A big ol' hawk grabbed him up
and flew awaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Bunny's eyes went wide
when the ground began to fade.
Up n' up n' up they flew
Till the trees were all
but toothpicks.
Bunny took a deep breath
As the hawk brought him to a nest, full of baby birds.
They chirped n' peeped n' squawked
Wantin' their dinner.
Bunny thought it was the end,
But then a big ol' rain cloud came
and threw a hunk of lightning!
It scared the hawk,
who dropped poor Bunny...
Down the steep steep slopes!
Bunny bounced n' tumbled
Thinkin' surely it was the end.
But he hit a big 'ol shrub
jutting from the cliff!
It bounced him like a trampoline
Straight back up.
He whizzed past the hawk's nest
and past a grizzly bear.
Up n' up n' up he went yet again
But he certainly didn't feel like
Bunny landed on a tuft of cushy grass,
Stunned,dazed and whiplashed!
Bunny's head soon cleared up
and he got to his paws.

He soon started hoppin' again,
but stopped as he saw
The pertiest flower ever grown
On that mountain top.
So he stopped to take a whiff,
But when he began to sniff
He met someone he
really didn't wanna.
It was Jojo
the big mean Iguana!!!
"EEEEEKK!!" Screamed Bunny
and hopped away real fast.
But Jojo was a fast 'un and soon went right past...
Jojo was set on
Havin' a bunny salad,
But he made one fatal flaw:
He kept his eyes on Bunny n' didn't watch the road.
So he smacked into a big 'ol rock
With a loud "KA-WHAP!"
Bunny hopped away as
Jojo's tail went flat...

Bunny hopped into a cave,
it got dark and Bunny...
Had no place to staaaaaay!
So he hopped right on through
His hoppin' echoed through the cavern
bouncing off the walls.
Now Bunny couldn't see very well
In the dark!
So he bonked into a few rocks!
But he was quite undismayed,
and went on till he felt somethin' fuzzy.
What-o-what was this?
In the gloomy dark?
He felt n' poked n' tried to guess
But he shouldn'ta done it.
For a low growl he heard,
And soon Bunny hopped back out the cave,
Bein' chased by a bear!!
Right past Jojo they did run,
Bunny wasn't havin' fun...
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