Randomest person on TDL

I nominate a former Mod who hasn't been seen on-forum in over two years: Lifemaiden. In the time I had contact with her, she did some remarkably random things.
Banned and Random? Looks like you should form a portmanteau and called it Bandom. Yes, he's the most Bandom member.
Badgdom? We can use that instead of random or bandom :D

I agree with Doffen. Protag should be nominated but I think the most random person EVER on TDL would be GKoN. I have met a lot of people but never someone as crazy as he used to be.
GKoN, definitely. Sorry, Protag (Captain Holly), you just don't hold a candle to him. LM was pretty random, I miss her. I would have to say that if I had met BC and some of the Golden Age Duffers, I probably would have to say one of them though.
Actually you can nominate a person for each TDL year or in general but in general I think Gondor (GKoN) is absolutely the most random member ever :D
After what I recently experienced I would love to nominate Doffen for the most random member 2009 :D
a visit to the corny chat room

[Lucy but Taller] 7:13 pm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfIkMXw_YM4
[Lucy but Taller] 7:14 pm: Rasperry
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:14 pm: supposing you haven't got a gun
[Lucy but Taller] 7:14 pm: you run away
[Lucy but Taller] 7:15 pm: or stick em with a 16 pound weight
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:16 pm: what about a pointed stick!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:16 pm: yeah!!!Pointed stick!! Promise you wont shoot me?
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:18 pm: You release the tiger!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:19 pm: Not only does the tiger eat the bad guy,it also eats
the resberry,thus disarming him!!
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:19 pm: Now I eat the banana!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:19 pm: Yay!!!!!
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:20 pm: Now for the rasberry!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:21 pm: AHHH WHERE?? WHERE'S THE RASBERRY?
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:21 pm: Nah I was just saying "rasberry"
[Lucy but Taller] 7:22 pm: oh phew I thought I was dead.
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:22 pm: What by the rasberry?
[Lucy but Taller] 7:22 pm: AHHHHHHHHHHH where's the rasberry?
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:22 pm: No no! I was just repeating it!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:23 pm: oh.
[Lucy but Taller] 7:24 pm: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you have a banana!!!
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:24 pm: Cause you told me too!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:24 pm: *gets out gun*
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:25 pm: AHHH!!!!! *drops 16 ton weight*
[Cair Paravel Throne Room]: Becca_Mickah has entered at 7:26 pm
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:26 pm: Hello
[Lucy but Taller] 7:26 pm: AHHHHHHHHH*shoots gun*
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:27 pm: *charges Audrey with banana*
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:27 pm: Don't mind us.....
[Lucy but Taller] 7:27 pm: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:28 pm: *releases the tiger*
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:28 pm: brb
[Lucy but Taller] 7:28 pm: *dies*
[Becca_Mickah] 7:29 pm: Hey
[Lucy but Taller] 7:30 pm: sorry,we,re random.****
[Lucy but Taller] 7:32 pm: *laughs*

later.....(ignore the beginning of the vid please)

[Lucy but Taller] 7:44 pm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3DmvDJm3ww&NR=1

[Becca_Mickah] 7:44 pm: No not really
[Lucy but Taller] 7:46 pm: ignore the beginning of the vid
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:46 pm: haha yeah I did
[Cair Paravel Throne Room]: Becca_Mickah has left at 7:46 pm
[Lucy but Taller] 7:46 pm: yay!!!!!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:46 pm: you ignored it!!
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:46 pm: haha yeah
[Lucy but Taller] 7:48 pm: doo doo doo doo doo *plays with ping pong*
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:48 pm: *breaks dish*
[Lucy but Taller] 7:49 pm: doodoo doo doo doo
[Lucy but Taller] 7:50 pm: doo doo doo doo doo
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:51 pm: doo doo doo doo doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:51 pm: doo doo doo doo doo
[Lucy but Taller] 7:52 pm: doodoo doo doo doo
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:53 pm: randeom
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:53 pm: *random
[Lucy but Taller] 7:53 pm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnsYbajTkeQ
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:53 pm: random
[Lucy but Taller] 7:55 pm: *pig meows*
[Lucy but Taller] 7:56 pm: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:56 pm: RANDOM!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:56 pm: I WISH TO REPORT A BURGERLY
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:57 pm: I'm sorry you'll have to speak in a higher
register please
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:57 pm: I can't hear
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:57 pm: you
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:57 pm: i' g2g
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:57 pm: I"ll b back later
[Lucy but Taller] 7:57 pm: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:58 pm: I'll b back later!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Lucy but Taller] 7:58 pm: ok....
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:58 pm:lalalalala
****[Alambil-Lady-of-Peace] 7:58 pm: ttyl
[Cair Paravel Throne Room]: Alambil-Lady-of-Peace has left at 7:59 pm
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