Rating System For Narnia Films Or Series

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
As most of you know, the Walden Trilogy each got a PG-rating. Now the rating systems might be different where you're at. In the US, the ratings are G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17.

Now with new Narnia films or series in the works, especially for those who are parents, there's always going to be the concern how they will rate them.

I don't think you ca do The Last Battle with a PG-rating. It's most likely to get a PG-13 rating. It would be so toned down, and there's a lot of depressing moments. The Battle of Stable Hill (perhaps the most detailed battle in the series), the dwarfs shooting the horses, and the Calormenes using spears.

Any thoughts on the rating system for Narnia films or series?