real narnia

i like to think as the real narnia as just nanrias history continued, but withought all sorts of divine powers, everybody can run as fast as a unicorn, lucy can see all the way to tashbaan, you cant feel afraid, etc. do the nanrians still have this power, after the great reuinion? would narnia still like have a government, with ambassadors, and each king ruling together, and trade, and councils, and political trips, i mean they would right, nanria still has to be run and managed, right, and your archenemy calormen is right under your feet, so be careful, so in the real narnia would you still have that sense of normal life (eating sleeping, tournaments, etc, etc.) i know this questions has been asked before i thank you for all your replys people
if you still have free will in narnia, could you still feel ''evil'' thoughts, like hatred to sumone, u cant love everybody, right?????
trying to describe the real narnia would be as hard as us trying to describe heaven. However I do believe the last battle says it is ruled by the very first King and Queen.
reepipuddleglumweather said:
just started a new one with sum new questions of mine( sum what similar)
dont be mad, but please reply

I'm not mad, sonny, but I answered your earlier thread at considerable length, and it seems like a waste of effort if you're still asking almost exactly the same questions. :cool:

im sorry
i have read them and it definetlet helped me
i really appreciate it
i just want more people to reply

its just i kind of believ narnia exists, and i just want to know sum peoples opinions on what it is like
and really my no. 1 question opinion thing, is that
is life in the real narnia NORMAL life, a continuance of nanrian history, but except withough battles
well it certainly is possible Narnia exists (I don't know anyone who has been there though).
I would say the real Narnia's life is far better than "normal" life in narnia, even during the best of times. Its all of Narnia's perfection uninterupted by evil.
good answer

god i hope nanria exist, that would be so awesome, but i doubt i could go there beaue i have nothing to do with it

so it would be like normal narnia you would still have to travel to places, and you would have trade, and ambasdors from caloremen, and feasts, and dances and everyhting that there used to be right? except no battles, and no pain, right?

do u have ABSOLUTE free will in the real nanria?
how many real narnias are there?
free will... in the real narnia... yes! Free will is one of the greatest gifts from God. Like many other gifts we have used it to our advantage. The real narnia can be compared to heaven as that was what Lewis was going for. I'm thinking that you would have free will but in the real narnia you are perfect so even though you can make bad choices (sin), you just don't. Christians believe God is all powerful. Lewis was a Christian. Christians also believe that God can do anything... that means he must have free will. We also believe God is perfect so free will doesn't become a source of anything bad. So since heaven is perfect and it would seem that free will fits in with "perfect" and the real narnia is comparable to heaven... we can conclude that in the real narnia, you would indeed have free will.