Realms of Narnia


New member
I've just created a new roleplay called The Realms of Narnia. Currently all of the Key Character positions (except Peter- thats me) are open including Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Aslan, Orieus, Mr. Tumnus, and a few others not from the book that are important to the plot. If you'd like to check it out the link is..

Anyways, if you're still not convinced to at least take a look... This is the current plot thats underway...

"And the lesson of it all is, your Highness," said the oldest Dwarf, "that those Northern Witches always mean the same thing, but in every age they have a different plan for getting it."
-Excerpt from The Silver Chair


Not too long ago when the White Witch ruled all of Narnia, two particular wolf pups, called Acario and Azale, were the subject of a terrible ordeal. Their parents were noble souls and had refused to join the Secret Police of the White Witch. This angered Maugrim, head of the Secret Police, so much that he had them killed on the spot. He and the rest of the SP could not figure out what to do with the so-called 'traitors'' pups, though. They could not be permitted to live for they would undoubtedly seek revenge on the ones who had killed their parents. The problem was that the wolf pack, evil or not, could never kill pups of their own kind; it was simply not to be done. It was Maugrim who came up with the idea of cursing the two.

Acario and Azale were dragged to the tiny shack of a horrid hag with pale green skin and hair as coarse as straw. Maugrim spoke a few inaudible words to the Hag and she cackled eerily. She shuffled slowly to a back room and disappeared into the darkness only to return a few moments later with a cup full of a vile liquid. She strode towards the two whimpering pups, smirking at their terror. She picked up the youngest of the two by the scruff of the neck and forced half of the drink down Azale's throat. She then moved to the young male and did the same, causing him to cough and sputter wildly. She turned slowly to Maugrim and laughed, "That should do it. At dawn tomorrow morning the transformation will take place."


And it was true, for the very next morning Acario and Azale were no longer wolves, but instead a Son of Adam and a Daughter of Eve. You might be asking yourself at this moment, "What good does it do to transform them into humans?" Well the answer is quite simple if you only think about it. The prophecy had not yet taken place at this point and the White Witch still had the order out that every Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve was to be sent to her immediately and then killed. Acario and Azale were cunning though, and they survived for 4 years in the Western Woods hiding in abandoned Fauns' houses and bears' caves. Finally when the White Witch was vanquished they were able to come out of hiding, yet it is still not safe to be a human in a forest of demons who have just lost their queen. Luckily the solution soon came to them, though, in the form of a beautiful lady....


The lady's name was Fajera, and I regret to say that she was, indeed, a Northern Witch. Her powers surpassed that of a normal Witch's or Hag's, and perhaps even matched the ability of Jadis, the former White Witch. She was just as cunning, too, and quickly had Acario and Azale believing every word she said. Not every word was truthful, though...

She was fully able to transform the two back into wolves, but she never allowed them to believe so. Instead she acted as if she could only reverse the curse somewhat, and it would a great sacrifice on her part. The children would take anything they could get, though, just as long as they would be able to feel the wind billowing through their fur and smell all the magnificent aromas a wolf can smell again. Fajera agreed to do this for them "out of the kindness of her heart" and conjured up a spell that would allow them to transform from a human into a wolf and vice versa whenever they liked. The only catch, though, was that she had added a few extra ingredients into the concoction. The spell would also force Azale and Acario to obey her every word, no matter what. And this was only the beginning..


Fajera now has everything she needs to begin her warpath to overtake Narnia. The demonics in the Dark Forest and Western Wood have heard of her plan and have already pledged allegiance to their new self-proclaimed Queen. Her plan is as follows....

Word has spread quickly about the Pevensies' return to Narnia. High King Peter is now 17, Queen Susan is 15, King Edmund is 14, and Queen Lucy ages 11. Already tension is again building between the Pure Narnians and the Demonics, for everyone knows the Children only return when trouble is brewing. And, indeed, trouble has begun to boil. Fajera has commanded her two pawns, Acario and Azale, to infiltrate the Narnian Base by befriending the Royal Children. Acario has been instructed to become confidants with High King Peter and Queen Susan by acting as friendly as possible, while Azale is to seduce King Edmund by her beauty. Queen Lucy is the only one to doubt these newcomers, and possibly warn the others about them.
So far we've still got Edmund and Lucy available, though I think we've got someone for Lucy. There's also Mr. Tumnus and Aslan. And theres still two other Characters not from the books that are extremely important to the plot. We need more people to start the roleplay, so you've still got time to join! Please just take the time to at least take a look.. It would be much appreciated.
Oh, cool can I be Fajera?!?! PLEASE? I could play an evil part very well!!! :D