Redeemed Dwarf?

Near the end, when the creatures are going into Aslan's Country through the Stable Door, there's a dwarf that helped shoot the Talking Horses that goes in. I wonder how he managed to get in. My speculation is that after killing the Horses, his guilty conscience caused him to realize what he was getting himself into, and he repented. What do y'all think?
But of course, there is no other answer. So you don't need to "substitute your own reality" here, for you have correctly identified reality's own reality. :) God welcomes all who truly repent and seek His forgiveness. The repentant thief crucified next to Jesus comes to mind.
I never noticed that. I thought all the dwarfs were thrown in by the Calormens and refused to see that they were in Aslan's country.
Maybe he was weak-willed and had succumbed to peer-pressure with the other dwarfs, even though he really believed in Aslan and Tirian.

Lewis seems to have carefully constructed those chapters in TLB to demonstrate a possible outcome for many different types of people (although surely not exclusive). The dwarf seems to represent deathbed repentance which, although frowned upon generally, is still valid in Christ's eyes if it is truly sincere. Edmund represents another type of repentant sinner, one who repents early in life and shows valiant faithfulness throughout the rest of his life.