Rocky Balboa


New member
Is anyone gonna see Rocky Balboa???!!!??? I love the Rocky movies but i am not sure if i am gonna go see it. Has anyone seen it? Is any other girl as weird as me and actually likes the Rocky movies?
I haven't seen it but I would like to. I doubt I will be able to see it until it comes out on DVD. I have heard quite a number of critics say that it is the best of all the Rocky movies.
I haven't seen it yet, and I've heard that it looks pretty good. I do hope that this is the last one that Stallone decides to actually do some boxing. He does look like he muscled up again from what I've seen in the previews. Maybe even more so than in the first few Rockies? Idk. I've only seen Rocky II.
My parents saw it and said it was really good! I want to see it really badly cause I live near Philidelphia and.... yeah....