Ron + Hermione

He so likes her...
Because Everything Ron had was "rubbish" before Hermione

He so likes her...
Because Ron risked going too far with Snape, just to defend Hermione
"... five more points .. for being an insufferable know-it-all." ... Ron, who told Hermione she was a know-it-all at least twice a week, said loudly, "You asked question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" The class knew instantly he's gone too far.

She likes him...
Because one look at Ron and her frostiness melts away

She likes him...
Because Hermione wished him luck, with a matching kiss on the cheek
(and he was actually dazed after.)
Join the club and support R/H.

Pevensie Child
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I'll join. I'm a big Ron+Hermione shipper. They will totally end up together in the last book!
All the signs are there, it's sooo obvious. :D
July 21st, can't wait!!
Theyr goona be together definetly. There is this chemistry between them hat´s so obvious even though they try to hide it. Plus they are few of my fave characters :D
I'll join!


I always thought that they liked each other ever since the third book.

I also think Neville and Luna. Who agrees?