Ok since nothing is recorded of any of the Pevensies marrying during their reigns or producing heirs who would have been the king or queen after they arrived back in Egland?
I think the bloodlines and the royal families of Narnia differ over the series. In the beginning, you have Frank and Nellie (Helen), from whom the first family that held power in Narnia descended from; their sons married nymphs and their daughters various gods and produced children-however, I don't think it really mentions what happened to the bloodline in Narnia, though it does the Archenland royal family. When the Pevensies came into power, there was just them-they didn't marry or have children, as I think Lewis would've mentioned it if they had (thus, a new family). After they were sent back to the 'Shadowlands' (A. K. A. our world), a man named Caspian (from Telmar) took power and his family held power until Tirian (the third family to take power). So technically, no, the Pevensies never married or had children.