
It better not be true! If they drop it, I will PERSONALLY get together a bunch of Narnia lovers, go down there and say that they should keep Narnia or I'm never using anything by Disney AGAIN (even though I love Disney) and hopefully everyone else will back me up...but anyway...THEY BETTER NOT! I mean, they'll go down in history as the first company to actually COMPLETE THE WHOLE SERIES! And LWW did such a great job and got them so much'd be stupid to drop it!
I don't think it's true but it wouldn't matter even if they did.

All that they do is to distribute the films, so Walden Media would still make the film.
I think this rumor was started by the fact that Walden Media has started some sort of deal with either 20th Century Fox or MGM I can't remember which, I also can't remember where I heard that although I try to keep myself updated on Walden Media. The Narnia series will not be discontinued it's just that Disney might not be funding them, somebody else will! Or Disney will continue to fund Narnia while other Walden films are done by somebody else.
Buena Vista Pictures are also supposedly doing distribution, so there will still be some pople who can do it, even if Disney drop out.