Shining in Our Hearts


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This story is about a daughter and her mother losing the father of the daughter.Will they have the courage to come back happy?

Name:Serenity Bailey
Age:6 yrs. old

Name:Cassandra Bailey

Name: Daniel Bailey
"Daddy!Daddy!Daddy!Hold me!"Serenity Bailey told her father."Okay honey"
Daniel Bailey picked up his daughter and held her close."I will never let go"Daniel said to his daughter.

(Tomorrow morning....)"Bye Honey"Cassandra Bailey told her husband.Daniel
kissed his wife and daughter goodbye."Bye Daddy!"Serenity said eating her

(Daniel driving to go get lunch at 12:00 afternoon...)"Okay I'm going to the
Olive Garden downtown"the light had turned green and while Daniel was
driving across a car sped through and crashed into Daniel's car.

(At the house...)"Wait Serenity I've got to get the phone"Cassandra answered
the phone."Hello?"Cassandra said."Are you Cassandra Bailey?"the Policeman on the phone said.

"Yes"Cassandra said."You're husband has been hurt in a car accident and didn't make it"the Policemen said."Oh my god...."Cassandra bursted out crying and Serenity came in."What's wrong mommy?"She said.
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Good start. Let's see some more.
I hate stories where people die, actually.
But you tell this with such a chipper attitude.
Let's have another chapter.
"Mommy?"Serenity said again.Cassandra hung up the phone."Honey Daddy's not coming home"Cassandra told her."When is he coming back?"Serenity said.
"I don't know"Cassandra left into her bedroom.

Serenity ran after her mother but she closed the door already.You could hear crying at the door.
(Tomorrow Morning....)"Yay!Mommy its a Saturday!"Serenity came running up
to her mother."I love you Serenity"Cassandra picked up her daughter and put
her on the chair.

(Later....)"Honey I need to tell you that your father is dead.I'm sorry"Cassandra said hugging her daughter.Serenity ran into her room and cried all night til 12:00 pm.

(At his furnerel....)"Bye Daddy..."Serenity put a flower in the casket while they were putting the casket into the ground."Come on Honey"Cassandra carried her daughter into the car.

(Days after the death of Daniel Bailey and now its Serenity's b-day...)
"Honey its your birthday!"Cassandra said putting on a yellow dress on Serenity."All your friends will be over and your cousin Sarah is coming over"
Cassandra said tieing up Serenity's hair up in two ponytails."But Daddy's not here with me"Serenity said almost crying.

"Serenity darling it'll be alright"Cassadra said taking her outside where the
decorations were put up.

(Later after all the fun and games and cake...)"Here's my present"Sarah gave
her a baby doll."So cute Sarah!"Serenity hugged Sarah."Here's mine"another
little girl named Christina(SportyGirl)gave her a necklace."Honey here is your
last present"in came a Siberian Husky Puppy that came and started licking Serenity's face.

Serenity was as happy as when her dad was still home."I love her!"Serenity hugged the puppy.Here is what it looked liked:

That puppy shined in Serenity's heart."What do you what to call her?"Cassadra asked her."Danielle!"Serenity was still hugging the puppy.
"I love you Danielle..."Serenity said.
She's happy again!