Short Piece


New member
not really sure what this is, but i wrote this for my school's literary magazine


I sit on the edge of the lake, my toes barely touching the water. I’m not in the mood to swim. The rest are splashing around, they usually come by once and while and persuade me to take a dive. I try, but my fear overcomes me and I leave to take a walk on the side. A part of me yearns to join them; but another part wants nothing to do with them. I walk alone; quietly judging my peers and friends, I hardly know them; I thought we were the same, but it seems as if I was mistaken.

The breeze around the lake quickens, and I wrap my arms around myself. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around, hesitantly, only to see no one behind me. I continue on my way trying the enjoy the sights, the edge of the forest is gleaming a dark yellow light and the lake shines navy blue in the night sky. I hear footsteps again, but I don’t turn around. It’s just my imagination, and then you touch my shoulder; I scream. You place one hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and slowly turn me around to face you. You’re wet head from toe, your shirt clicks to you at odd angles, defining your well-developed chest. Your dark hair is plastered to your forehead and your bright brown eyes are narrow. You slowly place your hand on my chin and look me directly in the face.

“ You’ve been crying” It’s not a question it’s a statement. I feel the teardrops running down my eyelids, something I had been oblivious to before.
“ No I haven’t” I don’t know why I lie. my heart thumps faster, as you give me disapproving smile. You know the truth, as much as that scares me, you know the truth, you slip your hand into mine and I feel a sudden electric shock through my body, I try to let go, but you hold onto my hand tightly. We talk about life and death, hopes and fears, while not speaking at all in our walk.

The lake has now disappeared and we’re closer to the fields, you stop and motion for me to sit down. I’m still crying, I can’t remember why. You gently wipe away my tears and I feel a sudden rush of hope running through me. You lean and kiss me softly, I’m too shocked to move, but I return the kiss and it seems as if the whole world finally makes sense. I feel a smile dawning on my face. Hand in hand we take our plunge into the lake.
That's a really sweet scene you wrote, toj. Even if you don't know what it was, it's easy to know what's going on, and it's easy to relate to. I like it. ^_^
I liked it a lot. I hardly react to romantic stories but this one was really good. I don't know what else can develop from it but I will tell you why I liked it:

(Supposing of course that the character walking is a girl and the one who approached is a guy)

It is most guys dreams to be able to act manly and chivalrous towards a maiden in distress. And if there is romance involved, the better. It seems that the one character that came out of the water is doing just that. Helping a maiden in distress, but not only that, it shows that he has love towards the maiden. But what makes it all worthwhile for him (and the reason why I liked it) is that she reciprocates his love and care and THAT is most guys dreams also.
Nicely done.
The dream of some girls in modern times is to be offered the kind of generous, compassionate love seen in TOJ's story...then to despise and reject the boy who offers it...then to throw themselves at some rotten jerk instead...then to become embittered when the rotten jerk treats them badly...and finally to blame the GOOD boy for the actions of the BAD one!
I believe Copperfox was giving you a compliment. He was saying that your story IS NOT about a girl like that, thankfully.:)