I agree with the notion of an non-British actor potraying the character in question. The Telmarines are foreigners in an occupied land. Thus, they shouldn't look like what most Narnians and hence viewers expect humans to look OR sound like, as far as skin tone, hair color, eye color, etc. Prince Caspian, to me, is the last ruler of Narnia to recieve his throne via the same means as the four Pevensies, who were the greates rulers of Narnia, prior to him. Namely, he earned this by noblesse, essentially by his great deeds on the field of battle and his willingness to die for a cause not inherently his own, by bloodline or divine mandate. Thus, if he appears a foreigner (i.e. physically, etc.) it will greatly extenuate (prolly spelled in wrong) in a positive manner, as the Old Narnians first see in him an enemy not to be trusted and instead killed. He earns their trust and ultimately their fealty through his deeds, which tanscend what the Narnians have seen in their rulers, since the end of the Golden Age. Thus he's the last ruler of Narnia to truly attain to the magnificence, gentleness, valiance, and justice of the greatest rulers of Narnia. It would only be made clear, I feel, by setting him up as a guy in his late teens/early adult years who faces, in his quest to attain his dreams, obstacles from the onset. That's my position on that. BTW, if they ever held auditions in So Cal, that would be great for many of us. Caspiankid, I'm from the San Diego area, originally...where in LA do you live, just a general location, like East LA. I'm trying to get info on what's going on in Jolly Olde England, from my relatives over there. Though there not in the biz, so to speak, there's a chance that they might known someone who is, which would prolly help me/us a lot. I'm willing to share any and all info with my fellow American wannabes. How many productions have you been in? I'm working on my first major one. I'm just not sure when the auditioning process is going to end. The clock is ticking and my blood pressure is building rapidly. How 'boot you? BTW, I'm 20, but I easily look 15-16, as I don't have that much of a beard or mustache. Could you copy those pics and add them to the 'Calling All Prince Caspian Wannabes And Their Supporters' thread, 'cause that would be cool, as it's for ALL the hopefuls, not just one. Well, here's to all us Wannabes getting the CHANCE to audition. BTW, I just got done re-re-re-re-to-the-infinity-watching CON:LWW on DVD (the Disney version), so that's one major reason I'm all pumped up. That and I've been fasting all day. Not complaining, it's just a fact. Well.....
See ya on the flipside,
Cyon Corell
P.S.: So it's a for sure on the Mediterranean Caspian, 16-18 yrs. old in appearance, or what? Anybody confirmed this or not?