SINBERA: Playing Thread


New member
Dragatoss looked at his son, he could hardly belive that he was now 21. It seemed like only yestoday that he'd first held him.

Nathawin was very nervice, he knew what he was going to ask for, but he was rather scared that his wish wouldn't be granted, and even more scared that it would be. He took a deep breath, his mother, Mishca smiled at him. That made him feel a little better...So he knelt in front of his father's throne, to present his request...
Dorithel looked at his nephew. He was now 21, an adult, and going to make his request. Dorithel was very curious about what he was going to ask for, because unlike Rakna, his brother, he didn't care that much about 'things'.
Dragatoss smiled, waiting for his son's reuest. He missed all the days that Nathawin used to frolick in the summer garden. But those days were over and done. Something new was happening. His son let out a quiet breath.
When Nathawin was being quiet for about nine days Dragatoss said to his son: "Whatever you're going to ask, never give it up!!!