

Circus Ringmaster
Knight of the Noble Order
Here's the ground rules on the fan threads.

1) The conversation does need to stay on Skandar. A little bit off topic, as in a couple posts, is okay but this is to talk about Skandar.

2) Providing it stays clean, you can talk about anything. While the official threads are for professional career, this is for anything Skandar related. Whether he looks cuter in red or really does like Turkish Delight. You can discuss writing fan letters, happy birthday wishes or new interviews. All Skandar topics are just fine.
YAY!!!!!!!*dances**keeps swiss army knife in pocket just in case*
Skandar is evil.
Skandar looks funny.
Skandar in the first movie needs to grow up ad GET SOME MEAT ON THOSE BONES!!
Poor skandar had his sister voice him most of the time.
I actually love Skandar :p
He's soooo adorable :)


╚╗╔╝║║★═╦╦╦═╗~*♥*Skandar Keynes*♥* ~
╔╝╚╗★╚╣║║║║╠╣ ~*♥*Narnia*♥*~
╚═☆╝╚═╩═╩★╩═╝~*♥*Edmund Pevensie*♥*~

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...*.... Skandar Keynes.....*
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