So what's all this song business?

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Haha I just watched the bloopers...what is up with "Check the gate" as well as that little song and dance bit "Check the gate, watch yourself! Check the gate, show me whatcha got!"

dat is the best song ever!!! skandar made it up cos after every take they say check the gate which is check the film and skandar made a song up of it!!! it tels u on the dvd
Faerie said:
Haha I just watched the bloopers...what is up with "Check the gate" as well as that little song and dance bit "Check the gate, watch yourself! Check the gate, show me whatcha got!"


To get the full explanation of the "check the gate" song you have to watch the "the Children's Magical Journey" special feature on disc 2. It's funny, definately worth getting the 2 disc version.
I watched that about the children's journey and I don't remember them explaining it. :confused: I do know that "Check the gate" is what they say I believe when they snap the thing (Quiet on the set). I do know that "Check the gate, watch yourself" is based on the dirty rap song "Shake your a**, but watch yourself. Shake your a**, show me what you're working with". I wouldn't recommend listening to it because it is quite dirty. So I can't imagine why it is sung as a joke by the children within bloopers on a disney movie. I can't imagine how they even know about it.
well the song was used in 'About A Boy' so at *least* the older 3 have probably all seen it. Might have got it from there.
I dunno - with that song in - about a boy should really have been rated 15, if not 18!!! dont you think rach?
waterhogboy said:
I dunno - with that song in - about a boy should really have been rated 15, if not 18!!! dont you think rach?

How come? The movie wasn't that bad....
Actually - i think its a very good movie, the little boy annoys me bit though. He's spose to look good at thend but hes cut his hair WELL stupid. I think he needs tips from the master....... ie. moi!!
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